Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Parties Scheduled Nationwide to Encourage Reading

With all the talk of change in the United States, one thing that is not improving or getting the attention it deserves is the importance of reading and the seemingly never-ending problem of illiteracy. To combat this dangerous trend,Shadow Play Entertainment, Conversations Book Club and those associated with The Write Stuff literacy campaign will be hosting reading parties across the country beginning Thursday, May 21, 2009 through Saturday, June 27, 2009. The theme for these events is "JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get Hooked on Books".

Hosted by Cyrus A. Webb, President of Conversations Book Club and host of The Write Stuff Reality Show, each party is designed to allow book lovers to come together for networking, to meet authors from the area as well as to discuss how they can work together to promote reading.
Parties have been scheduled in Little Rock, Memphis, Miami, Atlanta, Raleigh, Houston, Dallas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Flint, Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville, Washington D. C., New York City and Seattle. Each is free and open to the public, however, those who attend are asked to bring a new or gently used book as a donation that will go to either the Read Across America Project, CityKids Foundation, the Common Ground Foundation, Everybody wins, Adele's Literary Library, Reading Tree or a library in need within that particular city.

These events are sponsored in part by For The People Productions, Hype Magazine, Industry Standard Magazine, Poetic Monthly and Crunk Magazine. Special guests include Derrick Hargrove and Nikki Shallwani from MTV's 50 CENT: The Money & The Power, New York Times Bestselling author Scott Sigler, author Mark Eller and author Richard Emmell.

To find out more about the reading parties, when and where they will be held and the work that The Write Stuff is doing in general, visit For more information about the project and how you can get involved, contact Herschel Dixon at 1.502.994.7852 or Cyrus A. Webb at

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Martin Silver of Georgi Vodka talks Trump Feud w/Conversations LIVE!

CONVERSATIONS LIVE RADIO --- Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST)
Martin Silver
, owner of Star Industries and founder of Georgi Vodka, talks to Conversations LIVE! Radio about his company, the recent war of words with Donald Trump, and what he thinks about second chances being offered to those in the public eye who make mistakes.
The interview will be heard live at 12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST) by listening to or calling the switchboard at 1.347.426.3645.

Monday, April 20, 2009

This week on Conversations LIVE! Radio

Shadow Play Entertainment is pleased to present this week's guests on Conversations LIVE! Radio:

MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2009

12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST) --- Author Christopher Gaddis discusses his book A COLLECTION OF SHORT ESCAPES

7p.m. CST (8p.m. EST) --- Author Mark Eller discusses his writing career, his book TRAITOR and his involvment with The Write Stuff Reality Show


12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST) --- EXCLUSIVE: Martin Silver, founder of Georgi Vodka, talks about the building of his business, the recent back-and-forth with Donald Trump and what the public can expect from his company this year.

7p.m. CST (8p.m. EST) --- Author Joseph Henderson returns to Conversations LIVE! to discuss his book I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE and his mission to inspire young people through his experiences.


7p.m. CST (8p.m. EST) --- Jenny Markow, Marketing Director for MTA and Charlotte Seale w/MS Children's Museum talk about their upcoming events.


To listen to these great interviews live, simply visit  Missed other interviews by Conversations LIVE! Radio? Visit

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Recording artists with The Write Stuff get support from www.hiphopgive

When Shadow Play Entertainment President Cyrus A. Webb announced the creation of America's first literary reality show (The Write Stuff) in late 2008, he knew that it would be something that attracted the attention of those outside of writing as well. After all, one of the most important aspects of a good show is the music that accompanies it, and Webb knew he had the chance to do something special with the songs that were a part of this new project.

"We wanted the music and the artists to be just as unique as the concept of the show itself," says Webb, 33, "but we wanted to make sure that the songs were by those who shared our passion for literacy as well." To begin the process, he first went to recording artists he had worked with in the past that were a part of his literacy campaign called Hip Hop and Books. This included Jack Squad, Jon Boy (VH1's The White Rapper Show), Eddie Wright, Dj Down South and Omega Red. Next he went to The Patrick Smith Band who have been supporters of Shadow Play Entertainment since 2004.

Why so many, though, from the Hip Hop community? "Hip Hop is more than just what is glamorized on tv and in some music," says Larry Washington, Asst. Music Producer for The Write Stuff project. "Hip Hop is changing and just as diverse as other genres of music. The artists with The Write Stuff reflect that."

Another organization that has been created to showcase the positive side of Hip Hop is Created by Mike D and Konata J, has set itself as the premiere catalyst committed to cultivating the awareness of the positive efforts, endeavors,and accomplishments of Hip Hop Culture and its communities. Through its website it hopes to remove negative reinforcements that have been placed upon Hip Hop Culture and its communities by bringing you stories of programs, events and priceless moments that are the result of positivity within. It is now supporting The Write Stuff Reality Show and the artists that are a part of it.

"The world is not going to fix itself," says Mike D. "I think it is necessary for those of us who have been blessed in certain positions, to get the ball rolling. This collaboration is the start of a movement that will assist the future(children) in forming the future." Konata J adds this: "The collaboration between & The Write Stuff is an example of the forward thinking that will bring about progress and change in essential areas, including literacy with urban youth and the promotion of programs. This will contribute to the overall improvement of literacy excellence in our communities." Hip Hop Gives Back will be cross-promoting the artists from The Write Stuff through its site as well.

Dj Down South, a recording artist from Mississippi is also pleased to see the marriage of music and reading. "I'm glad to be a part of projects that can show more than one side of the music that Hip hop produces. The Write Stuff is going to break alot of records, and I think that will include those that have to do with Hip Hop as well."

Other organizations that have partnered with Shadow Play Entertainment and The Write Stuff in their effort to show the positive side of music include For The People Productions, Crunk Magazine, Hype Magazine, Industry Standard Magazine, The Common Ground Foundation and The Hip Hop Chronicle.

To find out more about those who are working to make a difference along with The Write Stuff or to see how you can get involved, visit or contact Herschel Dixon at 1.502.994.7852.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NYT Bestselling author Scott Sigler Joins The Write Stuff Reality Show

Shadow Play Entertainment and The Write Stuff Reality Show are pleased to announce the support of New York Times Bestselling author Scott Sigler.

"Since The Write Stuff Reality Show was first announced in 2008 we have been overwelmed and humbled by the support," says Creator and Executive Producer Cyrus A. Webb,33. "Having people like Scott onboard with the project only adds to the excitement and the visibility of the literary campaign we are launching."

The Write Stuff is America's first literary reality show allowing aspiring writers to compete for a one-book deal with AG Press, features in magazines from all over the country as well as everything they will need to make it in the industry. Airing on select CW Network stations in 44 states, the project will not only encourage the writing process but give viewers an idea of what it takes to make it in the industry. Since the judges for the project are all established authors like Scott Sigler, Webb also hopes it will encourage reading as well.

Sigler was introduced to the project by author Mark Eller who also serves as a producer for the show. He will join fellow New York Times Bestselling author Steve Berry along with other guest authors in critiquing and encouraging the candidates for The Write Stuff. The resume of Sigler is quite impressive as he is the author of INFECTED and CONTAGIOUS, hardcover thrillers from Crown Publishing. INFECTED is in production as a major motion picture by Rogue Pictures.

Before he was published, Scott built a large online following by giving away his self-recorded audiobooks as free, serialized podcasts. His loyal fans, who named themselves "Junkies," have downloaded over seven million individual episodes of his stories and interact daily with Scott and each other in the social media space.

Scott reinvented book publishing when he released EARTHCORE as the world's first "podcast-only" novel. Released in twenty weekly episodes, EARTHCORE harkened back to the days of serialized radio fiction. His innovative use of technology puts him at the forefront of modern-day publishing and has garnered brand-name exposure among hundreds of thousands of fiction fans and technology buffs.

He's been covered in Time Magazine, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Entertainment Weekly, Publisher's Weekly, The Huffington Post, Business Week and Fangoria. He still records his own audiobooks and gives away every story – for free – to his Junkies at .

When talking about his involvement with The Write Stuff, Sigler had this to say: "The Write Stuff will show the blood, sweat and tears required to make it in the publishing industry. Pure talent isn't enough -- viewers will get a glimpse at the discipline, mental toughness, thick skin and the old-school worth ethic required just to break into the business."

For more information about The Write Stuff Reality Show visit or contact Herschel Dixon at 1.502.994.7852.