Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, July 29, 2024


by Cyrus Webb

In this Author Spotlight we get to catch up with B. J. T. Ledet, author of THE CHRISTIANS and SECRET LIVES OF MEN. 

B.J.T., we are glad to have you featured with Conversations. What has it been like for you to see the response to your series?

It feels awesome to know others are enjoying my books. I have been writing the books a number of years, and as I penned the words to the pages the characters came alive, and often the words made me happy and sometimes they made me sad.        

Before the series you were known for your work as an educator. Is teaching and sharing something that is just a part of who you are? 

Yes, teaching and sharing is a part of who I am, because I love sharing what I know with others whether it’s in education or just sharing valuable information. When I hear or read something that I feel could benefit others I will call or text to tell everyone about it.

What about writing books? Do you think writing is something you always knew you wanted to do?

From Junior High School I knew I liked to write. I would write poems and songs, and I discovered if I wanted to learn something new all I needed to do was pen it to paper.

Faith is a big part of your writing. How did the series come about?

The series came about because one of my coworkers insulted me while reading her Bible, and I knew she wasn’t practicing what she was reading. I had another coworker who was a minister that told me that he would not use his tithing money to help his neighbor, even if she was hungry. I was in shock, and I started The Christians, book one that day.

For those who have known you, what has been the response to The Christians?

Everyone has been happy for me. My former high school classmates told me they were not surprised because I was always writing in school. One of my teacher’s wrote in my classbook to remember that I wrote the school song, I had forgotten that. 

One young lady, who was a coworker and someone I considered my daughter, wrote that she could relate to the book because she knew many of theses characters who are members of her church. She said she could see the book becoming a movie. She went on vacation with her spouse and said she was unable to put the book down.

The world has changed so much over the past couple of years. How has technology helped you to connect with readers and your audience?

Technology has played a great part in helping me to connect to my audience. Social Media has been the platforms that I have used to reach my readers and audience.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers about sharing their stories with the world?

I would tell aspiring writers that their writing may be something that someone needs to know to help them in their lives . Even if your writing just makes people laugh that's enough to write and publish their works.

How can our readers stay connected with you?                              Any reader who wish to communicate with me can reach me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. I also can be found at 

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