Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, August 9, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] For those discriminated against in the workplace, Tanya White uses her voice for change

 For those who have felt like giving their best isn't enough in the workplace or that their accomplishments aren't being seen, Tanya White's book PROFESSIONALLY LYNCHED will speak to you on a deep level.

The book is more than just about dealing with discrimination in the workplace. It's also about being made to feel worthless and unseen in a space where you know you belong. I love her honesty and the way she shares the different things that occurred. I also love that she made it bigger than just herself, realizing that others were finding themselves in similar situations. 

Taking her own personal account and mixing it with history and what others were doing to fight discrimination, Tanya leaves a path forward for others who find themselves in similar situations. She also gives you the resources not just for yourself but for those you see having to walk in her shoes. 

PROFESSIONALLY LYNCHED is Tanya White using her voice to create change in the workplace and encouraging others to do the same. 

Get your copy on Amazon

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