Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] WHO IS LEBRON JAMES? celebrates the man behind the fame


Author Crystal Hubbard is someone that I've gotten to know for writing engaging books for all ages. Her newest WHO IS LEBRON JAMES? is a great bridge for both young readers and adults. 

I love how she is able to take someone as well-known as Lebron James and make him relatable and share details readers like myself have never known. We are able to see what made the made: how he excelled in spite of challenges at home and in his career, and the way he has been able to motivate and inspire while pursuing his goals and dreams. 

Who is Lebron James is the kind of book that young people can read and aspire to emulate as they pursue their own passions. It is also the kind of book that adults can read for the same reason, remembering that it is never to late to make a difference. 

Ready to be inspired and get to know Lebron James in ways that may surprise you? This is the kind of book you want to read.

Get your copy on Amazon here

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