Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Author Kelly Yang's FINALLY SEEN shows what it means to know you matter in the world

 I love books that make you see yourself and others in a different light, reminding us of the importance we all have in the world. Kelly Yang's FINALLY SEEN is that kind of book for young and old. 

We're able to see Lina, a girl trying to navigate her new normal while also dealing with her own feelings of loneliness and insecurities. What we find is that others get to SEE her and help her to SEE HERSELF. That is the beginning of her not just finding her place but showing others what they can do as well.

These days we all need these reminders, that who we are matters. FINALLY SEEN shows what it means to know you matter in the world, and just by your being yourself you can make a difference. 

Get your copy on Amazon here

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