Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fa'apepele (Pele) Hunkin: Showcasing the HEART OF A WARRIOR Daily


by Cyrus Webb

Life is going to have its ups and downs. No one is immuned from that, but what matters is how we choose to respond when things don't go our way or are out of our control. For Fa'apepele Hunkin, known to the world as Pele Inspire, she chooses to display what she called the heart of a warrior, and attack life head on. It doesn't mean every day is perfect, but it does mean she chooses to make the best of every opportunity that comes her way. 

Pele, first of all, congratulations on your amazing success and journey. What has it been like for you to reflect on all that has happened for you?

The experience has been great. It has been a true joy, and I am grateful for God's blessings in my life, especially after I published my first solo book, HEART OF A WARRIOR-The Humble Journey of a Samoan Warrior. I also co-authored several books, and I am blessed to be a best-selling author. In addition I'm grateful, humbled, and proud to be named the Ruby Girl of 2022. I love sharing the glory of God when telling my story while speaking virtually to various audiences worldwide and in the United States. 

I was honored to meet my mentor, the legendary motivator, Les Brown, who I affectionately call Papa Les. It has been an absolute honor and joy to be a featured author and a co-visionary author for the first time with Doctors John E. Gray and Angie Gray of Onyx Expressions. Also, being a part of their empowerment matters mission is life-changing and a blessing. I'm grateful to everyone in my life who make life worth living. I am grateful for it all. 

Does it seem like to you that the rewards you are seeing today are a direct result of the hard work you have put in over the years?

Yes, for the simple reason that my efforts are paying off. I work hard; I am dedicated; I am committed, and I love what I do. My entire life has brought me to this exact moment. I am blessed to share my story to share the glory of God because His love, mercy, and grace carried me this far in life. God's grace is sufficient for me. But the best part is that I used my challenges to improve myself. I'm grateful for each of my experiences, because they strengthened me and brought me closer to God. I'm not the same person since I left my beautiful island of Samoa in 1994. Thankfully, God helped me use my life's journey to grow and evolve into the warrior I am today. I persevered despite everything, and I've learned that quitting is never an option for me. 

In your book HEART OF A WARRIOR, just one of your bestsellers, you talk about the challenges you have experienced. How have those help to shape and strengthen you?

The challenges I faced helped shape and strengthen me tremendously in navigating my way through life, and it built my resilience. Growing up and knowing that I have the power and courage to overcome obstacles laid a solid foundation for success in my life. I've used my struggles as lessons, and I benefit from my mistakes in life. I've discovered amazing skills that boosted my well-being through life's challenges. I've pushed myself harder than hard when facing challenges and learned what I'm capable of doing. When I look back of how far God brought me through, all I can say is that I am incredibly proud of how I handled all the challenges that shaped and strengthened me daily. The challenges I've experienced blessed me with the ability to move forward and explore new opportunities and be a blessing to others.

You also write about purpose. How has identifying your purpose helped guide you and what you do?

Identifying my purpose helped me improve the quality of my life and blessed me to live a meaningful life. My life hasn't been the same since I identified and have a clear purpose in life. I knew my God given purpose was aligned with God's calling in my life when I acknowledged the importance of doing everything with love and with all of my heart. I believe that my goals, hopes, and dreams shaped my purpose in life. Identifying my purpose in life encouraged me to set more challenging goals for myself and enabled me to achieve the highest possible level of life enjoyment and satisfaction and what meaningful life is all about.

What message would you give to those who are looking at you as an example of what they can do in their lives?

I urge you to put all of your faith in you and God and let Him be the cornerstone of your life. If you feel trapped in life, I encourage you to rise to the new challenges that will allow you to grow. When faced with problems, push yourself as hard as you can, because it will help you realize your potential. 

You are strong and courageous enough to tackle any challenges. Always keep in mind that you should live each day to the utmost. It's time for you to employ all the abilities, skills, and resources that God has given you to become the extraordinary person you are called to be. Learn to be grateful for all the difficulties, hardships, and struggles you have endured. Please, learn to FLY-First Love Yourself to become the best version of yourself. 

Always do everything with love and from the heart! 

Thanks, Pele, for being such a bright light in the world. How can our readers stay connected with you?

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