Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, August 9, 2024

LaQuita Parks: Helping Herself and Others Turn Pain Into Purpose

by Cyrus Webb

LaQuita Parks is one of those forces in the world who has learned the power of words for herself and is using her platform to share the stories of others. Outside of being a bestselling author and publisher, she is a living testament to the fact that what we are going through doesn't have to define us. 

Through every situation we can turn our pain into purpose and win. 

LaQuita, we are glad to have you as part of our #BooksYouNeedtoRead issue of Conversations. First of all, congratulations on your success. How does it feel to do what you love when it comes to writing and see the response to it? 

Thank you so much, Cyrus. To God be the glory! It feels amazing. I am completely humbled by it all, and I love it. It gives me great joy to see the reactions and receive the feedback when someone reads one of my books. I believe that everybody has a story and there’s someone waiting on the other end of my story so they can get healing from their story. When I became a #1 International Best-Selling Author, I was on cloud nine. My goal as a writer was never to win awards but to motivate and inspire. The rewards are simply and added blessing.

When did you realize the gift of writing for yourself? 

Honestly, I never thought about it as a gift. I believe writing is therapeutic and it has been the thing I’ve needed to help get me through some rough patches in my life. The last fifty years have been nothing short of a pain tsunami for me, so writing has helped me tremendously. It takes the focus off of me as an individual and puts it back on the reader who might be looking for that “something” extra to get them over their rough patch too. 

I guess instead of writing being a gift, I see it as more of a blessing given to me to help others. I believe that God has gifted me with the ability to reach people from all walks of life with my story. no matter the age. 

Thank you for sharing that. Was it an easy process to share what you were writing? 

No, not with my first book. I am a sharer by design. I have an amazing support circle of family and friends whom I have pretty much been able to share my writings with. I love it, because they don’t hesitate from giving me the “real” feedback. However, in 2016 when I wrote my first book “Walking Limitations” my true story of medical childhood trauma at the hands of a nurse, I was really nervous to share it with people outside of my family and friends. It was the first time I would share my story in detail, including pictures of my deformed leg after fifteen surgeries. I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know how my story would be received by my audience.

One thing you have been able to do is write for different audiences. Did you know that was something you wanted to do? 

Absolutely not! I think it was something I grew into because everybody can identify with pain. Even children know when they hurt. My story is unique and has given me the opportunity to connect with people on different platforms all over the world. If someone would have told me five years ago that I would be writing for different audiences on multiple platforms, I would not have believed them, because it was just not on my list of “to do’s!” 

Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that my writings have reached an international level. Who knew that my writings would be used to encourage people around the world. From my true story of my medical journey, my books of motivation and inspiration to my human-interest children’s books, and anthologies not to mention, my writings for my international platforms. I don’t take this blessing for granted and again I say to God be the glory!

Addressing difficult topics is something you have been able to do. What has given you the courage to do that in an ever-changing world?

Just before the world was forever changed with the pandemic, I had to spend some time at the Mayo Clinic. Four months later, at my last visit, and after all the test results were in, the doctor looked at me and said, "Although you are not dying, you are suffering!" You see, I have lived with chronic pain every day for the last 50 years of my life and no matter how rough it got, I never looked at is as suffering. So, when the doctor told me that I wasn't dying but I was suffering, it was necessary for me to process what all this meant. 

My processing period was when writing actually started my acceptance of my situation. It was the beginning of my healing. It gave me the courage to step out on faith and believe that if writing could heal me, it could also heal a world of others. There are so many people suffering through so many things and as a writer, we must have the courage to allow our stories to be messages that help heal.

Any advice you want to share with aspiring authors when it comes to pursuing their goals and dreams? 

Keep pushing and continue to be your authentic self. There are going to be people who will discourage you and tell you that you can’t simply because they didn’t, but don’t you dare quit. 

I want you to remember that 100% of everybody living and dead has a story, and there is always someone waiting on the other end of your story so they can get healing from their story. Nothing beats a failure but a try, so run your race. There is no way you can lose!

Thanks again, LaQuita. How can our readers stay connected with you? 

They can connect with me through my publishing website or my email I can also be reached on social media. 

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