Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, September 26, 2010

(Sat. Sept. 25, 2010) Author Ed Slack: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

(Saturday, Septembr 25, 2010) On behalf of Shadow Play Entertainment, Conversations Book Club and all of their literary supporters, thanks for making Author Ed Slack's visit to Mississippi a success.

Over the course of the day and in three events, we were able to show that individuals throughout the state are committed to working together and supporting the importance of reading. Escorted by Conversations Book Club President and Founder Cyrus Webb and Stanley Clark of For The People Productions, the author traveled through Central Mississippi sharing the message of his book TWO LEGGED SNAKES.

The day began at Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS where the author met patrons and interacted with library staff.

After that event it was on to Yazoo City, MS where Coach Staples of Focus On The Children, members of the city government and over a hundred residents came out to meet the author and support the Literacy Rally held in downtown Yazoo City.

The final event was at Appetizers Restaurant in Pearl, MS where the author shared in some great conversation over great food.

To find out more information about Dr. Slack and his book, visit To stay in contact with what's next for Conversations Book Club, visit

Sunday, September 19, 2010

(Sat. Sept. 19, 2010) Conversations Book Club Presents Dr. Ed Slack

(Saturday, September 25, 2010) Shadow Play Entertainment, Conversations Book Club and its literary partners are pleased to welcome Dr. Ed Slack, author of TWO LEGGED SNAKES(Understanding and Handling Manipulative People).

"I was introduced to the author earlier this year," says Mississippi native Cyrus Webb,35. He is the President of Shadow Play Entertainment, Conversations Book Club and host of Conversations LIVE Radio. "Dr. Slack was a guest on our radio show not long ago, and from there we began making plans to work together in scheduling some events."

Slack will be in Mississippi for one day only promoting his book, talking about what led him to writing and what he hopes others get from his advice.

* 11-1p.m. --- Dr. Ed Slack will be at Pearl Public Library (2416 Old Brandon Road * Pearl, MS) meeting patrons and signing copies of his books.

* 2:30-4:30p.m. --- Dr. Slack will be the guest of honor at the Triangle Cultural Center (Ste. A, 332 Main St. * Yazoo City, MS). Specal guests include the Mayor of Yazoo City, City Council member Aubrey Brent, Coach Johnny Staples of Focus on the Children, Stanley Clark of For The People Productions and Cyrus Webb. Free food and music available as well as performances from area schools.

* 6-7:30p.m. --- Dr. Slack will be the guest of "Spoken Word Saturdays" at Appetizers Restaurant (3000 HWY 80 * Pearl, MS) reading from his book and signing copies. Admission is free and food specials are available.

Books will be available for purchasing at all events. To find out more about the author and the book, visit

For details about any of the events surrounding the visit, contact Cyrus Webb at or 601.896.5616. Details can also be found at

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Club President Pens Bio of Platinum-selling recording artist C-Mu rder

On Friday, August 14, 2009 Platinum-selling recording artist/bestselling author Corey "C-Murder" Miller was sentenced to life without parole after being found guilty of murder earlier in the week. This is the second time that Miller, who maintains his innocence, has been convicted of this crime; however, over the past few years he has begun a dialogue through his work that is not going to be stopped in his absence. Part of the movement to keep Miller's positive influence on the world alive will be led by Cyrus Webb, President of Shadow Play Entertainment/Conversations Book Club and the host of Conversations LIVE! Radio.
"Cee has managed to do something that few in Hip Hop have accomplished," says Webb,35. "He made it cool to read and to believe that no matter what you have done in your life, it's never too late for you to make a difference."

One year after Platinum-selling recording artist Corey "C-Murder" Miller was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison Webb began writing about the rapper's life. What was supposed to originally be a series of articles for his online magazine about the person he knew C-Murder to be has grown to a point where he has decided to turn it into a book.

"I think it's really unfortunate what has happened to Cee since the trial and conviction," he says. Webb originally met the rapper in 2006 and was able to work with him on a literacy project, even starting a book club together in New Orleans. In 2008 the two hosted a weekly radio show called TRU Conversations and participated in online chats with young people to encourage them to do their best and discuss the choices they made. Cee and Webb last corresponded in early 2009. (Listen to Webb's radio interview with Miller here: Here is a radio interview done to mark the event. )

"There is so much more to him than what has been written about on blogs, turned into jokes about his name and even what it is alleged that he did," says Webb. "He admits he was no saint, but everyone deserves to have their story told. That is what I want to do: give a fair portrait of the man so many only knew through his music and his name." In March 2010 Cyrus started talking with people who had either interviewed or knew Cee, fans impacted by his music and even those impacted by his work in the community to help young people.

"In April 2009 Cee held a press conference addressing the issue of senseless violence," says Webb. "In a statement read at the event, he said this: 'I stand before you today a new man that's ready, willing, able to do everything in my power to bring an end to these senseless murders. Get it right, this movement is not about Corey Miller, or anything other person. It's about our kids, our future, and our safety.'  "That is why I feel like it would be a great disservice to New Orleans and the world to not let things like this be known," says Webb.

The book will cover Cee's life growing up in New Orleans, the events that would shape his music, the rise of No Limit Records, the controversies that caused headlines, his relationship with his family, the music he produced that changed lives and his new venture into publishing. Webb saw firsthand the impact Cee made not only on publishing with his debut novel DEATH AROUND THE CORNER (published by Kensington Publishing), but the way he was able to bring new people to books.

"The man sold tens of thousands of copies of his book just through Myspace," says Webb. He was so impressed with what C-Murder did with his book that in 2007 he wrote the judge on his case and asked that he be allowed to visit Mississippi to promote it. Though Cee was on house arrest, the request was granted and over 200 books were sold in just the two-day visit, making headlines nationwide. In 2008 Webb was also brought on as the tour coordinator for rapper Jacki-O when her book GROWN & GANGSTA was published by TRU Publishing, becoming its first release.

No release date has been set, however the tentative title is 'C-MURDER: A TRU Soldier's Journey.' Webb hopes to wrap up the writing of the book in November 2010 and is now reaching out to C-Murder's family to see if they want to be a part of the project. This includes famous brothers Master P and Silkk the Shocker who were a part of the No Limit clique. "It would be nice to have their support and blessing on the project," says Webb, "but it is an unauthorized biography. Regardless of whether I am able to speak with them or not, the project will go forth. I feel as though I owe that to Cee and his fans."

Cyrus Webb has been involved in the arts since 1999 and has worked in promoting literacy and the importance of education. Webb began hosting the radio show Conversations LIVE in July 2003 and has interviewed some of the biggest names in entertainment as well as rising stars. His co-ed book club Conversations Book Club began in November 2006 and has been nationally recognized for its commitment to promoting reading and conversations about important issues. As President of the PR firm Shadow Play Entertainment, Webb also represents over a dozen authors and public figures including actor/author/recording artist Tray Chaney (Poot from HBO's The Wire), Bigg Marv (cousin of M. C. Hammer and co-star of A&E's HAMMERTIME), recording artist/author Jacki-O and actress/producer/author Cherie Johnson (Punky Brewster/Family Matters).

Those who want to be interviewed for the project can contact Cyrus Webb to do so. To stay updated on the project, visit Cyrus Webb can be reached at or 601.896.5616.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Others Are Saying About The Conversations Brand

Since 2003, Cyrus Webb has been a driving force in the way things are talked about and discussed. As the Creator and Host of Conversations LIVE! Radio and the President of Conversations Book Club, Webb has talked to some of the biggest names in the world as well as emerging voices that are making their mark. At the end of the day, however, he realizes that his success is really because of those who talk with him and those who listen. Here is some of what is being said about the Conversations Brand...

"The service you do for authors and readers is remarkable. We appreciate you." --- John Saul, New York Times Bestselling author of FACES OF FEAR

"Cyrus is incredible. I was in awe of his talents." --- Dale Garland, author of LETTERS FROM SWEETWATER

"I still don't see how you do what you do! You're an excellent interviewer..." Shirlita McFarland, author of Sunday Morning Secrets

"You absolutely ask the best...most thought provoking questions...keep up the excellent work on your show!!!" --- Ish Major, M. D., author of LITTLE WHITE WHYS

"I just had to write to tell you what a pleasure it was speaking with you yesterday. Your questions about The Language of Secrets and its impact on readers were was an honor to be interviewed by you! With thanks and all best wishes for your continued success." --- Dianne Dixon, author of THE LANGUAGE OF SECRETS

"Thank you for the interview – it was terrific, and we appreciate being a part of your program. And thanks for the attention you put on books, the arts, and the creative process – you are doing wonderful things!" ---Joel Fotinos, author of THE PRAYER CHEST and the Vice President at Penguin Group and the founder/publisher of the Putnam Praise imprint.

"I am quite inspired by what you are doing through your broadcasting effort... You are truly seeking to help others find the best in themselves. Thank you for your positive influence in a world that needs it." --- Kip Kreiling, author of THE IMPOSTER

"The interview with Kathy Kinney (AKA Mrs. P) was great. It is nice that we have been able to create this new and inspiring character for her. She use to be 'Mimi' on the Drew Carey Show which was a very different character from Mrs. P. Your show is wonderful. I am going to become a regular listener. You have a great gift for interviewing." Dana Plautz, Mrs P Enterprises, LLC

"As a radio listener, I seldom hear a host ask as many good questions as you did. I was deeply gratified that you enjoyed our book and very appreciative of the opportunity to share it with an audience of fellow southerners." --- Author Barton Cockey

"You were very well prepared, set a great tone, and went way beyond the call of duty in the promotion department--a real pro. I will sing your praises whenever I get the chance." --- K. D. Koratsky, author of LIVING WITH EVOLUTION OR DYING WITHOUT IT

"Thank you for the opportunity to be on your program. You are a scholar and a gentleman, (a vanishing entity) and provide a great service. Having been doing this for a few months now, interviewers fall two categories. The entertainers, and the educators. You are an educator, and that is a complement." --- Danielle Milano,M.D, author of SKINNY IS OVERRATED

"[Yours] was the most reflective interview I've had yet and it made me recall a little of things that I've done that were beneficial to the people I knew. Maybe I do have some good karma points stored up in the cosmic bank somewhere. I appreciate you picking up on the larger themes in the book." Jake Adelstein, author of TOKYO VICE

"You made it so easy for me to talk, and you ask great questions!" --- Michele Howe, author of BURDENS DO A BODY GOOD

"You are such a great host. Your voice is so powerful over the radio. Continue to share your talents and knowlege so others may be encouraged." --- Valerie Dodson, author of DON'T DELAY YOUR INCREASE

"Words are not adequate enough to extend a debt of gratitude to you for all you have done for me. A pen would run out of ink before I could write or say thank you over and over again. You have brought the book back to life or I could even say you have given it life. I have never been this motiviated to ger rhis moving until now. Thanks for working with me."--- Joseph Henderson, author of I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE

Cyrus,I just wanted to touch bases with you and offer a heartfelt thank you. It was great to meet the new authors and become reacquainted with familiar faces. You provide a wonderful avenue by which people can be motivated to read. As an educator, I applaud your work. As a writer, I offer much love and appreciation. I love the invitation to join the addiction -- get hooked on books. Keep up the good work.
--- V. L. Green, author of REFLECTIONS and WHEN DESTINIES MEET

"Your review (of ABRAMO'S GIFT) was unique in that you distilled a life lesson from the story, something that no reviewer has done. You focused upon some essence from the characters that, frankly, I had never thought about consciously, but I'm very gratified that you saw it. By the way, yours is the mark of a fine writer/reviewer. I wish that they were all as perceptive as you are. Where I come from, when someone does something as well as you, and when a young person shows the potential that you do, we say he's doing 'the Lord's work.' I have listened to our interview several times now, and have also shared it with some family and friends. And each time I hear it, I marvel at your mastery of interviewing technique. It is certainly something that is a talent, because I’ve seen many veterans of broadcasting not able to accomplish what you do so naturally and easily. Part of the success you have comes from your gentlemanly behavior that puts interviewees at ease. So thanks again for your kind treatment. I wish you all the best in whatever you do in your career, be it hosting of a book club, interviewing on national TV, writing books yourself, or some dream you hold in your secret heart." --- Don Greco, author of ABRAMO'S GIFT

"What a gentle and lovely, thoughtful host you are. And you threaded through the questions in the most amazing way..." Liz Rosenberg, author of HOME REPAIR

"It was such a pleasure talking with you, such a pleasure being presented with such thoughtful questions. That doesn't happen terribly often and I was sorry when it drew to a close." --- Philip Shepherd, author of NEW SELF NEW WORLD

"You are by far the most prepared host I have interviewed with." --- Kirk Wilkinson, author of THE HAPPINESS FACTOR

"Thanks Cyrus for using your influence to better the lives of others." --- Patricia Singleton, blogger

"Cyrus Webb is the most incredible person I've ever done an interview with! He understood my topic completely, and asked very insightful and perceptive questions!" --- Dan L. Hays, author of FREEDOM'S JUST ANOTHER WORD

"It is really refreshing to encounter an interviewer with his
intelligence, insights and who has actually read the book. I knew
nothing of him before this interview but I am completely impressed and
will keep an eye out for his undoubted career progress." --- Frederick LaCroix, author of THE SKY RAINED HEROES

"Being self-published. credibility means everything. Having me on your show and supporting me as you have is all part of that." --- Gary D. Kaschak, author of LIFESTONE

"Thank you from the "Bottom Of My Heart" for taking time out of your busy schedule to write the most inspirational "Review" for "The Bridge" on, and thank you once again for enabling me to share our "Miracle". May God continue to Bless you Cyrus and the work that you are doing on His behalf." --- Jackie Carpenter, author of "The Bridge"

" Since our first interview, I've been following on your website all that you are doing for literacy to the point that I have been inspired to put in my little grain of rice towards literacy as well." --- Susan Violante, author of INNOCENT WAR

"Congratulations on your growing success! You certainly deserve it." --- Nesta Aharoni, author of MY GOODNESS: MY KIDS

"Cyrus is an inspirational hardworker who believes in the importance of literacy awareness. I was able to be one of Cyrus's coordinators for his National Day of Reading campaign in November 2009. It was a great experience and I am happy to be on board again for 2010. Cyrus uses his platform as an advocate and radio host to spread positive messages and to make a difference. I would suggest him to anyone serious about making a change through in the field of literacy development." --- Tara Michener, author of WHO I AM NOT WHAT I AM

"It’s a pleasure to work with a professional who’s nicely prepared, with thoughtful questions and a great personality." --- David Kelly, author of BABE RUTH AND THE BASEBALL CURSE

"There is something so amazing about standing on the edge of your dreams coming true. It's awe-inspiring, it's overwhelming and humbling. I want to thank you so much for taking part in my dream. I've listened to your other interviews and I think you are a special man." --- Kim Vazquez, author of LIVING IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR

"Thank you soooo much for allowing me to come on your show! It was an awesome
experience. I said I was nervous at first but you made me feel at ease. I can tell you got something from the book and read! I really hope that you were touched by it! Thanks for bringing out the part Mark 8:36!! Very impressive interview! May God Bless You and all your efforts!!" --- Cheryl Joyner Clark, author of NO MORE SUNDAY MORNINGS

"I have and will continue to sing your praises to all of my literary colleagues. Your book club is a model for others to emulate."
--- Reshonda Tate Billingsley, author of MY BROTHER'S KEEPER & EVERYBODY SAY AMEN.

"You were an excellent host. I'm more accustomed to interviewing than being interviewed but I did enjoy it. You're a very articulate and thorough interviewer..." Constantine Markides, host of Fourth Fiction

"You are an impressive young man. I am passing my baton to you, now. I know you'll carry it fast into the second decade of the 21st century. 'Webb's WEBISODES!' 'Do the WRITE Thang!' Man, I love it! SUPER CYRUS WEBB is a YOUNG CAPED CRUSADER who has absolutely blown this OLD caped crusader's MIND!" Dr. John Telford, author of A LIFE ON THE RUN

"You're always so cool, calm, collected and prepared..." Gail Kearns, To Press & Beyond

"You are a phenomenal host and I know you have a very promising future." --- Lessy'B, author of Sara's Song

"Thanks for the interview and review... You are a pro and not only did I enjoy the experience, I was very impressed at the effort you put into reading and understanding my stories. As you well, know, that is the salve that soothes the writer's worries! You earned a big fan today...I'll pass the word
far and wide! All the best." --- Gerry Boylan, author of GETTING THERE and GERRY TALES

"Cyrus, you are on the fast track to success!" --- Deborah Gary, author of TEENAGE MOTHER'S GUIDE TO SURVIVAL

"Enjoyed very much the questions you asked, which were quite thought-provoking and very different from the usual stuff that I get asked in interviews." --- Bestselling author William Kent Krueger

"Cyrus, I don't know how many ways I can say, "Thank you!" But, consider yourself thanked in every way that is possible. In addition to this interview which you presented so well the live interview I had with you,and your bookclub tonight was nothing short of amazing. The depths, and insights of tonight's conversation were just much more than I could have hoped or asked for. I ask a special blessing for you."
--- Evie Rhodes, author of OUT A ORDER & THE FORGOTTEN SPIRIT

"Hello Cyrus, I loved doing the interview and thoroughly enjoyed talking with you.
You're a wonderful host and the interview is only as good as the host who is directing it." --- Carrie J. Keaton, author of TWO LOVES, ONE HEART

"Real talk, Cyrus has the best author blog talk radio show out there." --- Rahman Muhammad, founder of Book Bullies

"I want to thank you so very much for giving me the opportunity to appear on your show. It was an honor to be part of Conversations Live, a show that consistently offers listeners meaningful content. You provide encouragement, contemplation and inspiration to your audiences. For me, your questions and the opportunity have allowed me to improve and grow. Thank you!" Cesca Janece Waterfield, author of BARTUB

"You're an awesome radio host." --- Ursula Hanks, author of IN MY HEART

"Cyrus, I want to thank you once again for featuring me on your radio show. I really enjoyed it. I do not take that moment lightly. I count it a privledge and an honor to be chosen in that capacity. You are making an awesome impact in many lives with your great works. It is my prayer that God richly bless you in all you are doing to bring about change and make a difference in this world." --- Charmaine Tucker, author of WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN

"First of all let me start out by saying how grateful I am for all that you and Conversations Book Club has done for me as a writer. You guys are the best!" --- C. J. Domino, author of SIDELINE HO

Sunday, September 5, 2010

GENESIS PRESS: Conversations' September 2010 Selection

Shadow Play Entertainment and Conversatons Book Club are pleased to announce that the books published by Mississippi-based publisher Genesis Press are September's selection of the month.

"I have had the opportunity to read several of Genesis' titles," says Conversations President Cyrus Webb,35, "and they are in my opinion just as diverse and full of talent as any other publisher out there."

Webb has had the pleasure of inteviewing several of Genesis' authors including Michele Sudler, Michele Cameron, Nicole Green, Crystal Hubbard, Carrie Elizabeth Greene, Keith Walker and Chamein Canton.

With future authors from the company scheduled to appear on the radio show later this year, Webb hopes to continue to showcase the talent coming from Columbus, Mississippi.

To find out more about Genesis Press, visit