Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meda Personality Cyrus Webb Named Top Amazon Reviewer

Out of the tens of thousands of reviews posted by individuals on each day, media personality and Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb has been named one of the popular site's Top 1000 Reviewers.

"This honor is just a testament to how serious I take the sharing of books," says Webb, 36. "I don't just read for myself. I read so that I will be able to share what I am learning and enjoying with others."

Webb has posted over 600 reviews of books and music on, and people of all walks of life are finding his thoughts both helpful and intrumental in sparking discussions. has also helped Webb in being able to find guests that he can feature on Conversations LIVE Radio, through Conversations Magazine as well as for his book club.

"People notice those that are recognized on Amazon," Webb says. "They reach out to us because our opinions are respected, and they know that others are paying attention to what we have to say."

Webb hopes that he can continue to introduce the world to new books as well as give a different perspective to books that might not normally catch the attention of readers.

For more information about Webb and the work he is doing to promote literacy through Conversations Book Club visit If you would like to contact Cyrus Webb directly you can reach him at or 601.896.5616.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

(Sat. August 27, 2011) Conversations Book Club and Cyrus Webb Host "Breakfast With Books"

(Saturday, August 27, 2011 *Brandon, MS) Conversations Book Club and its founder Cyrus Webb are committed to promoting the power of books and self-esteem when it comes to today's youth. They are also intersted in promoting a healthier lifestyle. For this reason on Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 9-10:30a.m. Webb and members of the book club will be enjoying the delicious breakfast memu at Subway Restaurant Crossgates (112 Service Drive * Brandon, MS) but also giving out 50 free copies of the entertaining children's book TOO TALL ALICE written by author Barbara Worton.

"Too Tall Alice is just the kind of book to encourage our youth that they are special just the way they are," says Webb, 36. "When I started Conversations Book Club in November 2006 I wanted it to be a place where everyone could find something that fit their lives no matter where they are. For young people I think Too Tall Alice accomplishes that and more."

There is no purchase necessary to get your free copy of this great book, however, Webb invites anyone to join the book club and him in having breakfast and socializing with the group. For more information contact Cyrus Webb at or at 601.896.5616. To foind out more information about other events hosted by Conversations Book Club visit

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