Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, January 14, 2012


(Saturday, January 14,2012) Thanks to all of those who made the booksigning for author Greg Little at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS on Saturday, January 14, 2012 a success.

Hosted by Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb, the event allowed individuals to come out and meet the author, discuss his book RISE ABOVE and ask the author personally what he hopes readers take away from it.

Thanks especially goes out to the Pearl Public Library for its hospitality.

After the signing Webb got a chance to interview Little and ask him about how the book came about.

For more information about Dr. Greg Little, visit To stay abreast of all the new projects for Conversations Book Club, visit

Monday, January 2, 2012

(REVIEW) Sheryl Mallory-Johnson Returns To Her Roots With LOVE & REGRETS


For those of us who fell in love with author Sheryl Mallory-Johnson's powerful characters and story lines in SENSE OF LOVE you will be very pleased at her adult follow-up LOVE & REGRETS. We are introduced to men and women who are grappling with what it really means to love, be in love and commit to someone unconditionally. As in SENSE OF LOVE we find this is a novel of equal opportunity offenders who aren't completely satisfied with what they have, but realize that the complications they are bringing into their worlds are sure to destroy them if they aren't careful.

For Carmen, we see that not being satisfied with what she has at home leads her into a situation that threatens not just her home but her life as well. Tempest has to understand that not all relationships will be the fairytale that you read about or dream of and that you have to be willing to look out for yourself and love yourself in spite of everything else. Then there is Dana, a woman who hears the clock ticking on her dreams and what she wants from her man and decides to move forward with her own agenda---only to find that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

In LOVE & REGRETS Johnson takes into the worlds of these individuals who are trying to balance their idea of what romance is, how you stay committed and faithful when tested and more importantly how you love yourself enough to know that you deserve better than just to settle. This is not your typical "chic-lit". It's a book that men and women can read, enjoy and find themselves discussing with family and friends.

Sheryl Mallory-Johnson is back with what she does best: delivering a book that is good to the last page and leaves you definitely wanting more.