Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, July 13, 2012

Conversations Media Group: CMG President Cyrus Webb Shares 1000th Review

As a lover of music and books Conversations Media Group President Cyrus Webb has found it a privilege to be a Top Reviewer over the past couple of years. This week he reached another milestone in his journey: posting his 1000th review on the popular website.

"It's not about the number of books and musical projects I've reviewed," says Webb, 36. "What means something to me is that my comments about the books and music have resonated with others and gotten them to try some of the selections themselves."

To date over 80% of those who have voted on Webb's reviews have finding them to be helpful to them in their searches. The reviews have also been responsible for Webb finding new guests for Conversations the radio show and features for the magazine Conversations.

"Some see my reviews because I'm on the Top Reviewer list and reach out to me about their own books and cds," Webb explained. "That has not only introduced me to new individuals but given my regular audience new options to explore as well."

To keep up with Webb's reviews and comments about what he is reading and listening to visit his page at