Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, June 19, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Seth Lusk shares what you have to give up in order to gain

 Sometimes in life we feel as though we are experiencing everything in a vacuum, that no one can understand us and what we're dealing with. For those who wonder if there is hope for them and their current situation, Seth Lusk shares some insight in his thoughtful book WHAT I REALLY WANT IS... BUT I'M JUST TO FULL OF...

Though he is a life coach Seth shows that he doesn't have it all figured out, and taking us on his journey I think the reader is better able to understand the importance of not giving up on themselves as they try to navigate the complications of the journey called life.

Will there be disappointments and setbacks? Absolutely. Can you make it in spite of all of that comes your way? Seth gives a definitive 'You better believe it.'

For me one of the most powerful lessons Seth learned that he shares is about love. It's something that has helped me in my life over the past 10 years as I have embraced and enjoyed single life. So many look for look in others. Seth reminds us that if we don't love ourselves there is no way we will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy true love. Having others love us is great, but it's no good if we don't realize it has to start within.

Ready to get what you say you want in life? WHAT I REALLY WANT IS... BUT I'M JUST TOO FULL OF... reminds us that sometimes we have to give up in order to gain. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] D. G. Torrens' ONE FOR SORROW is another chilling story of survival. You won't be able to forget it!

 Author D. G. Torrens is a talented storyteller that brings you into the pain and peril of her characters and guide you through the other side. With ONE FOR THE SORROW we have another powerful heroine in Avery Masters who must navigate the pain of the past and the present and find the will and strength to survive.

The book is something that will draw the reader in, mainly because it's something that is so real and relatable. Finding someone who seems to love you for you, promising to undo the darkness of the pain---that is until you realize they have their own darkness to replace it.

What we see in Avery is not just the feeling of being trapped, but the journey of loving oneself enough to want better. Thankfully she isn't alone. Avery has friends that want to see her get to a place of happiness and healing. Will she let them help her towards the light or will it be too late?

For those looking for a suspenseful read that grabs you and keeps you engaged from beginning to end ONE FOR SORROW is the kind of book you'll devour. It's a chilling story of survival that you won't soon forget. 

Get ONE FOR SORROW on Amazon

Friday, June 9, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Want to know how to get the most out of your life? Dr. Carla Maria gives you the tools you need!


With so much going on in life it is easy for us to forget to look after ourselves. This is especially true it seems for women who are expected at times to look after others, sometimes at the detriment of themselves. 

In 8 Power Moves To Protect the Queen: Ruling Your World & Creating the Life You Desire, Dr. Carla Maria outlines the steps needed to make sure you are not just walking in your power but standing in it as well. This is a book based on faith but full of action that means you have to realize the importance of doing the work. Loving yourself, surrounding yourself with those who are going to push you and support you as well as realizing your own power are key. 

This doesn't mean that life won't have its challenges. What Dr. Carla show is that you don't have to go through those challenges alone---and you can rise above them. 

Just the kind of book you need to remind you of who you were created to be. 8  POWER MOVES TO PROTECT THE QUEEN reminds women not to forget themselves. 

Get your copy on Amazon