Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, July 29, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] Sonya's Little Book of Quotes by Sonya Howell Barrow helps you keep going in spite of the challenge


Sometimes all it takes is the right word to get us to realize that we can overcome any challenge that we encounter. With SONYA'S LITTLE BOOK OF QUOTES we see how Sonya Howell Barrow uses scripture and positive affirmations to buffer her in different situations. 

She's even developed her own method: FIRE (stands for Fearless, Inspired, Resilient and Empowered) to remind her of the action she needs to take. It doesn't mean that we won't face dark times, but it DOES mean we won't allow them to consume us. 

Out of the FIRE method it was RESILIENT that stood out to me. Sonya writes in the book "My Be Resilient approach in life has helped me to remain vigilant and focused despite my circumstances. This skill allowed me to bounce back wiser and stronger."

That is something all of us can appreciate and strive for in our lives. When challenges present themselves allow FIRE to help you stay on track so you can win. 

Get your copy of the book on Amazon

MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Spotlight with Dr. Velma Bagby


Profession:  Bestselling/Award-Winning Author, Certified Dating-Relationship Coach, Professional Christian Speaker, CEO of Adoni Publishing, LLC

When did you know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur or business owner?
It wasn’t something I initially set out to do. It became a natural progression after becoming a first-time author. I purchased a publishing package from a hybrid publishing house for my first book. After that experience and getting to know the publishing world, I felt it was right to self-publish.

Was it an easy decision for you to start?
It required me to research and learn as much as possible about the writing business. I read self-help books and participated in workshops to determine the best course.  

What helped you in the beginning?
While reading self-help books, I ran across a recommendation to establish an LLC for writing. I began researching the requirements to move in this direction, which resulted in my establishing Adoni Publishing, LLC, obtaining my license, and completing other registration requirements.

What about your audience? How did you know who you wanted to serve, and how did you go about reaching them?
 I was always aware of my audience from the beginning. My focus is an audience of single women interested in preparing for marriage. My passion has always been to help women be the right mate, to discover the right mate. What I did not anticipate was an audience of married couples who expressed excitement learning from my stories, which helped them reset their marriage based on the tips they discovered. Also added to my audience unexpectedly were the male readers who expressed their needs.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your journey?
Hearing the response to the book or a story or receiving feedback about how someone saw themselves in a story and was able to make changes in their lives as a result. I also enjoyed hearing others purchase books for people they knew who would benefit from reading them. My favorite responses are: 1) An interviewer who responded, “Where was this book when I was dating? I dated all the fish characters in the book.” And 2) A woman who said she is now comparing the meeting she meets to the characters and asks herself, “Now, which fish are you?”

Can you share some of the challenges?
Most of my challenges involved determining what I needed to do to publish my books independently. The self-publishing world was unfamiliar territory, and I had a considerable amount of information to digest quickly.

The world is changing daily. How have you been able to keep up with the changes in your area?
 Stay current by connecting with fellow authors and writers’ groups. Gain wisdom from the blogs of those you admire. Also, I’ve always written with God’s guidance. Every decision, which book to release at a given time, what topic to address and how to structure my writing activities around a business are made through prayer and guidance.

What role has social media played in helping you grow your business and reach your audience? 
 I continue to learn as much as I can about social media and its impact on my writing. It’s easy to monitor my posts and interviews, check analytics, and track sales based on these activities. The analytics and sales also help direct my focus.

What advice do you have for others looking to start their own business or become an entrepreneur?
Take your time to research your vision. Look for others in the same line of business that you can emulate or glean wisdom from. What we do is not competitive because every business is different. So, connect and establish relationships based on your goal. Business relationships are just as valuable as your audience.

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by Cyrus Webb

 Sonya, first of all congratulations on Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of

 FIRE Inspirations.” What has it been like for you to see the response to the book?

 Thank you.  Also, thank you for allowing me to showcase my book on your platform.

Since the book launch of my FIRE inspirations, my heart has been bursting with pride and joy as I have turned my dream of becoming a published author into the reality.  I have had my readers contact me via email, Facebook messenger as well as in-person just to let me know how proud they are of me and my published works.  Readers really enjoyed reading my FIRE inspirations and emphasized how my bullet comments encouraged them to have a positive mindset.  

  Is inspiring others something you have always wanted to do or felt led to do?

 As a single parent of two African American young men (my heartbeats) and a Retired United States Army Chief Warrant Officer Five with over 26 years of active-duty military service, I have always strived to be an inspiration to others.  I always encourage my children, family, friends, Soldiers and other to develop a positive mindset.  My # 1 motivation to myself and to others is always “so can you” because you can and you will get it done.

 Talk with our readers about the meaning of FIRE for you?

 My inspirations were written with a purpose which are centered around my tagline, “FIRE

Igniting the Joy and Love Within.”

                                                                BE FEARLESS.

                                                                BE INSPIRED.

                                                                BE RESILIENT.

                                                                BE EMPOWERED.

 Each of my FIRE Inspirations is showcased with a color that represents my Authorpreneur Sonya Brand.  BE FEARLESS is represented by Magenta.   BE INSPIRED is represented by Purple.  BE RESILIENT is represented by Red.  BE EMPOWERED is represented by Yellow.  My FIRE Inspirations are a reminder for me to continue to live my best and blessed life.

 My FIRE Inspirations are the chapter names within Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of  FIRE Inspirations,” and Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of  FIRE Inspirations: For Journaling.”  Each chapter was written in an attempt to help ignite the burning desire that is inside each of us.  The bullet comments that follow each FIRE inspiration within the main guide is what enabled me to ignite my FIRE, change my mindset and get out of my own way.   

One of the things you have written about is the importance of self-love. How has that helped you in life?

 Although individuals may have quit on me, I am reminded to never quit on myself.  This is why self-love is very important to me. I am my #1 fan, because I will always love myself first.  Therefore, it is important that I show up for myself and cheer for myself.  More importantly, I will always ignite my FIRE  and take a chance on the Beautiful, Empowered, Triumphant Soldier Girl, that’s me.  So, as I continue to live my best and blessed life I will always “BET” on me.

  Has it been easy for you to embrace your role as a coach, helping others on their own journey?

 No, my journey to embrace my role as a life-coach has not been easy.  Simply because although change is inevitable, some individuals are fearful of change.  These individuals have not chosen to be fearless as they refuse to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.  Individuals who appreciate lessons learned are ready to be inspired as they forge ahead on their life’s journey. Some individuals realize they need to be resilient in order to pursue their purpose with passion. Whereas individuals with the be empowered mindset are unstoppable champions in pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambitions.

 When did you realize that was a gift you had been given?

 Perhaps having the gift came naturally for me.  Especially since the name Sonya has Ukrainian and Russian origins and means “wisdom.”  Because of my natural wisdom and the belief that a better day is coming, I always strive to maintain a positive mindset.  By doing this, it allows me to continuously defy my life’s obstacles by not becoming a statistic. Ultimately, my two heartbeats are my “Why” I overcame many obstacles.  My FIRE inspirations are my “How” I overcame these obstacles.  My upcoming memoir entitled, “SHE IS ME!  Defying My Life’s Obstacles By Not Becoming A Statistic, Book-I:  The Struggle Is Real and Book-II: Smile For Me” provides my “What” obstacles I overcame. 

 Speaking about your experience writing the book, how did Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of  FIRE Inspirations” come about?

 Nikki, my cousin and my very first best friend, recommended that I write my very own inspirational quote guide.  Nikki enjoyed reading my FIRE Inspirations that are showcased on my social media platforms daily and was motivated by them.  Nikki believes others will benefit from reading my FIRE Inspirations too.

 When people finish reading the book what do you hope it does for them?

 After reading “Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of  FIRE Inspirations” I hope readers are inspired to ignite their burning FIRE and never lose focus on being their own best friend.  I hope readers are encouraged to practice mindful journaling by utilizing Sonya’s Little Book Of Quotes A Coffee Table Guide of  FIRE Inspirations:  For Journaling.”  Mindful journaling will allow writers to be present and show up for their emotions.  The journaling guide will allow writers to interpret my FIRE inspirations and write down their own personal thoughts and feelings without interruptions.

  Any advice you want to share for aspiring writers out there?

 The advice that I share with aspiring writers is the same advice that I tell myself, which is, “What are you afraid of?  Tomorrow is not promised.  It is time to take the chance on you.”  I want writers to remember to be grateful to those who tell you “NO!”  The “NO” will continue to force you to BE FEARLESS.  BE INSPIRED.  BE RESILIENT.  BE EMPOWERED.  You are in control of the outcome of “YOUR” own destiny.  Remember that “YOU” hold the pen in your hand to write the future that God has planned for you.  So, it’s Go Time!  Be fearless and write your book.

 Thanks for your time, Sonya. How can our readers stay connected with you?

Readers can connect with me via my social media platforms of LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.  However, the easiest way to access my social media platforms, my Calendly and my website is via my Link Tree URL at

Also, if you would like to stay up to date on all of my upcoming book projects (solo and collaborations), or if you would like to book an appointment with me or to simply get a daily dose of my FIRE Inspirations please visit my website at


by Cyrus Webb

In this Author Spotlight we get to catch up with B. J. T. Ledet, author of THE CHRISTIANS and SECRET LIVES OF MEN. 

B.J.T., we are glad to have you featured with Conversations. What has it been like for you to see the response to your series?

It feels awesome to know others are enjoying my books. I have been writing the books a number of years, and as I penned the words to the pages the characters came alive, and often the words made me happy and sometimes they made me sad.        

Before the series you were known for your work as an educator. Is teaching and sharing something that is just a part of who you are? 

Yes, teaching and sharing is a part of who I am, because I love sharing what I know with others whether it’s in education or just sharing valuable information. When I hear or read something that I feel could benefit others I will call or text to tell everyone about it.

What about writing books? Do you think writing is something you always knew you wanted to do?

From Junior High School I knew I liked to write. I would write poems and songs, and I discovered if I wanted to learn something new all I needed to do was pen it to paper.

Faith is a big part of your writing. How did the series come about?

The series came about because one of my coworkers insulted me while reading her Bible, and I knew she wasn’t practicing what she was reading. I had another coworker who was a minister that told me that he would not use his tithing money to help his neighbor, even if she was hungry. I was in shock, and I started The Christians, book one that day.

For those who have known you, what has been the response to The Christians?

Everyone has been happy for me. My former high school classmates told me they were not surprised because I was always writing in school. One of my teacher’s wrote in my classbook to remember that I wrote the school song, I had forgotten that. 

One young lady, who was a coworker and someone I considered my daughter, wrote that she could relate to the book because she knew many of theses characters who are members of her church. She said she could see the book becoming a movie. She went on vacation with her spouse and said she was unable to put the book down.

The world has changed so much over the past couple of years. How has technology helped you to connect with readers and your audience?

Technology has played a great part in helping me to connect to my audience. Social Media has been the platforms that I have used to reach my readers and audience.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers about sharing their stories with the world?

I would tell aspiring writers that their writing may be something that someone needs to know to help them in their lives . Even if your writing just makes people laugh that's enough to write and publish their works.

How can our readers stay connected with you?                              Any reader who wish to communicate with me can reach me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. I also can be found at 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Cyrus Webb Presents 12 Books for Young Readers, 2024

With summer in full swing, Conversations Media Group and Cyrus Webb are excited to share 12 great books for young readers that adults will enjoy as well. 

12 Books for Young Readers, 2024 (listed in no particular order)

  1. The Little Sandals that Could by Tina Siemens (Tina Siemens)
  2. Defiant: The Story of Robert Smalls (Legion M)
  3. Marcus Makes a Movie by Kevin Hart (Crown)
  4. Kingdom Keeper Inheritance: Villains' Realm by Ridley Pearson (Disney)
  5. The Story of Sojourner Truth by Anita Crawford Clark (Callisto Publishing)
  6. Beastly Beauty by Jennifer Donnelly (Scholastic Press)
  7. Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams (Labyrinth Road)
  8. A Foot Is Not a Fish by Cornelia Maude Spelman (Frederator Books)
  9. Daddy and the Beanstalk by Andrew Weiner (Hachette Book Group)
  10. Shine On, Brown Girl by Lakeasha Williams (OSG Publications)
  11. Braylen the Bear and Friends: Forever Friends by Dr. Latonya M. Peterson and Manswell T. Peterson (OmegaMan Publishing)
  12. Who Is LeBron James? by Crystal Hubbard (WhoHG/ Penguin Workshop)
All these titles can be ordered on 

Conversations' 25 Summer Reads for Adults, 2024


 Just in time for Summer, Conversations Book Club and Books You Need to Read announce their 25 Summer Reads for Adults! Personally curated by Cyrus Webb, the list gives readers of mixture of non-fiction and fiction that is sure to keep them turning the page to find out what's next. 

NON-FICTION (listed in no particular order)

  1. Untapped Magic by Chloe Panta (New World Library)
  2. Medgar & Myrlie by Joy-Ann Reid (Mariner Books)
  3. And Then We Rise by Common (Harper One)
  4. Faces and Phases by Marketa George (Three C Publishing)
  5. Words from My Collar Bone: a Rebirth by Luciann Berrios (Luciann Berrios)
  6. Trauma Breakthough by Jessica James Henry (The Breakthough Tribe Publishing)
  7. The Most Human by Adam Nimoy (Chicago Review Press)
  8. Beauty For Ashes by Tiffiny Grooms (Three C Publishing)
  9. Meet Me in Mumbai by Lovelace Cook (Whisperwood Publishing)
  10. She Said Yes to Herself Unapologetically EmpowerHER Guide (Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing)
  11. Night of the Hawk by Lauren Martin (She Writes Press)
  12. Man You Are Crazy by Christopher Anderson and Kevin P. Donaldson (The Mediacasters Publishing House)
  13. Animals I Want to See by Tom Seeman (Post Hill Press)
FICTION (listed in no particular order)

  1. Anna Bright Is Hiding Something by Susie Orman Schnall (Spark Press)
  2. Forgetting to Remember by M. J. Rose (Blue Box Presss)
  3. The Grandest Garden by Gina l. Carroll (Spark Press)
  4. Watch Where They Hide by Tamron Hall (William Morrow)
  5. A Killing on the Hill by Robert Dugoni (Thomas Mercer)
  6. The Wild Road Home by Melissa Payne (Amazon Publishing)
  7. The Catch No One Wants by Dr. Velma Bagby (Adoni Publishing)
  8. The Forgiveness Game by Norma McLauchlin (Chosen Pen Publishing)
  9. All That Really Matters by David Weill (Rare Bird)
  10. Take Two, Birdie Maxwell by Allison Winn Scotch (Berkley)
  11. The Daughter Between Them by Alretha Thomas (Diverse Arts Collective, Inc)
  12. The Waters by Bonnie Jo Campbell (W.W. Norton & Company)

[BOOK REVIEW] Cornelia Maude Spelman's A FOOT IS NOT A FISH! reminds us that saying something doesn't make it true

 We live in a time when the Truth has become subjective to some. Now that is not to say that we are not all entitled to our opinions, but that doesn't mean that just because we think or say something that it's automatically true.

This is hard enough for adults to sometime grapple with, so when it comes to children it's great to know there are books like this that can help them reason on what is true and what is not.

A FOOT IS NOT A FISH! by Cornelia Maude Spelman tackles the truth about things around us, as well as the things that are not true. It's done is a fun way that kids  can relate to---and will create some real discussion points with adults in discussing the book.

It's almost like explaining the difference between a truth and a lie---however, the way Cornelia does it is to show that just because you WANT something to be a certain way, doesn't mean that it is.

A great book to add to your kid's reading nook or to share with schools. It's entertaining and educational. Something that is definitely needed at this time. 

Get your copy on Amazon