Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne: Mission Accomplished!

Conversations Book Club and For The People Productions can't begin to show our sincere appreciation for those who came out to support the events surrounding the visit of Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne.
She had a blast--- and there was so many priceless moments associated with the two days of activity that we couldn't wait until the photo album of the trip was posted to let you know who we felt.

Over two days we participated in almost a dozen events--- and each one only added to the success of the weekend. Thanks to all those who purchased books and participated in the discussions and meet and greets! Special consideration goes out to Medgar Evers Library, the Pearl/Brandon Wal-Mart, Cici's Pizza (Brandon), Richard Wright Library, Pearl High School, Real Roots Bar and Grill and Waldenbooks Metrocenter.

(National bestselling author Alisha Yvonne seen here with Stanley Clark and C. A. Webb )

To Stanley Clark, President of For The People Productions... all we can say is thank you for buying into the vision of the Conversations Book Club and for opening up your doors and heart to us. We can't begin to repay for the opportunity to work with you, however, we hope to honor you and your organization through everything that we do!

(Yvonne, Clark and Webb seen above with Ms. Elaine Bridges' class at Pearl High School.)

(Yvonne and Clark seen here with the management of the Pearl/Brandon Wal-Mart)

This one was definitely one for the record books! Ms. Yvonne's first official trip to Mississippi was with US and she kicked off the sale of her new blockbuster NAUGHTY GIRLS with Conversations Book Club, making us the first stop on her 2007 tour.

Again, we can't begin to tell you everything that happened over the past 48 hours, but as you will see a picture is worth a thousand words. Visit us often and get ready for the next series of activities that are soon to come!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Relentless Aaron encourages while Derrick L. Briggs prepares to show us why "Books are Sexy"

What a great week we have enjoyed... and the icing on the cake was definitely our conversations with the Father of Urban Fiction, Relentless Aaron! His discussion with the bookclub on Friday, February 16, 2007 was both inspiring and informative. He took us through the life that made him the tireless self-promoter that he is, and we learned about the lows that came before he rose to the top with numerous book and movie deals in three short years! Not familiar with his story? Then visit his site here, and prepare to be encouraged.
Thanks again Relentless for sharing with us.

What can our loyal members expect this upcoming week? More of the great discussions that you have come to know we will deliver at the best book club!

On Tuesday, February 20th, we will have author/book club president Derrick L. Briggs.
In this fascinating discussion look for us to learn about his visual approach to attracting book lovers--- and why he feels so passionate about encouraging men of color to read. This is one to mark on your calendars.

Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne joins us live and in person beginning Friday, February 23, 2007. Click on the schedule below for all the activities.

On Friday, February 23rd we will get the highlight of our month with the author of the month of February: National bestselling author Gloria Mallette! Haven't read about this author? Then click on our exclusive interview with her here.
She will talk to us about her success and why writing for herself has yielded great rewards.

And of course there is our final interview of the month with nationally recognized hiphop artist/bestselling author C-Murder. Join us as we talk about his book DEATH AROUND THE CORNER and how books helped him deal with two of the most trying years of his life!

Remember that all of the above will take place at the Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS at 6p.m. All three interviews will take place via conference call and the authors will be answering your questions!

We hope to see you there. For more details, contact the Medgar Evers Library at 601.982.2867.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Thanks to everyone who made author Alphonso Morgan's visit to Mississippi a rousing success. Our thanks go to Waldenbooks Metrocenter for all of their help as well as the staff of the Richard Wright Library.

Didn't get a chance to meet the award-winning author in person? Then purchased autographed copies of his book SONS at Waldenbooks Metrocenter as well as events held by For The People Productions.

Look for other events to be scheduled with Morgan in the near future, including a visit with the Conversations Book Club.

This event was co-sponsored by For The People Productions.

BREAKING NEWS: Forum on Race in Bookstores Scheduled for March 2007

(Bestselling horror writer Brandon Massey seen here with Conversations Book Club President C. A. Webb.)

For The People Productions, along with its client Conversations Book Club, is always looking for avenues to not only encourage reading but open up dialogue as well among book-lovers. It is with this in mind that is announces the first of many discussions geared at addressing the challenges that authors face when marketing their books.

On Friday, March 2, 2007 we will host "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL? African American Authors in Bookstores". This discussion will take place at the Medgar Evers Library meeting room (4215 Medgar Evers Blvd./Jackson, MS) beginning at 6p.m. The focus will be addressing the pros and cons of separating authors by race in chain bookstores as well as how it affects the sales of the authors and their ability to reach a wider audience.

The guest author for the discussion will be bestselling horror author Brandon Massey(seen below), who discussed this subject with the Wall Street Journal in December 2006. He will be joining the group via conference call.

This event is free to the public and all book lovers are invited to attend.

For more details contact Medgar Evers Library at 601.982.2867 or Stanley Clark of For The People Productions at 773.344.7220. You can also visit

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Conversations Magazine obtained an exclusive interview with Brandon Massey in March 2006 for its April edition. Read it here. Massey has been chosen as our March 2007 AUTHOR OF THE MONTH and will give a live interview via conference call on Friday, March 23rd during the regular Book Club discussion at Medgar Evers Library.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

JUST IN: Author Mary Anna Evans visits Mississippi with "Conversations" (UPDATED)

This information is just in to Conversations Book Club. It has been confirmed today that author Mary Anna Evans will be visiting with Conversations Book Club on Friday, June 22, 2007. There will be a booksigning at Barnes and Nobles (1057 East County Line Road Jackson, MS 39211) beginning at 4p.m., and she will be the guest author during Conversations regular Friday session at 6p.m. at the Medgar Evers Library.

Evans is the author of Artifacts, Relics and Effigies To find out more about her, click here.

JUST IN: Author Roy Glenn Joins the Conversations Roster!

Conversations Book Club is committed to providing book lovers with the authors they can't get enough of. That will continue as the author roster continues to grow.

We are pleaed to announce that author Roy Glenn of Urban Books
will be Tuesday, March 20th at 6pm via conference call at the Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS. This is part of Conversations READ MY LIPS Initiative. Glenn, who is the author of OUTLAW
will be discussing his life as an author, what motivates him and the street sagas that are making him a household name.

As with all of Conversations' discussions, this is free to the public.

To find out more about Roy Glenn click here.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

JUST IN: CBC's interview with bestselling author JIHAD

On Friday, February 9th, the facilitator of TEEN TIME in Jackson, MS used the book STREET LIFE by Jihad to illustrate how individuals are responsible for educating themselves about the world they live in.
The book chronicles the life of a young man who when faced with challenges and opportunity must make crucial decisions that lead him down a road of his own making... Only when confronted with reality does he realize the choices he must make--- and how his journey can impact others that he comes in contact with.

Jihad graciously donated copies of his book STREET LIFE not only to the TEEN TIME group but the Richard Wright Library in which the sessions are held.

Conversations Magazine was able to get an exclusive interview with the bestselling author, who is now promoting another riveting tale, RIDING RHYTHM. To read the interview, click here.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

JUST IN: Bestselling author Nikki Turner plans trip to Mississippi (March 30,31, 2007)

What's better than having one of G-Unit Books authors visiting Mississippi in March 2007?

Having TWO of course!

We are happy to inform you that Bestselling author Nikki Turner has joined the list of authors working with Conversations Book Club, For The People Productions and the Read My Lips Literacy Initiative to promote reading in Mississippi.

(Turner seen here with radio personality Wendy Williams)

You will find her involved in a series of events beginning Friday, March 30th with bestselling author K-Elliott and taking place throughout the weekend.

We were first introduced to Turner through the book DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR and knew we had to have her.

During this special weekend, Conversations Book Club and Waldenbooks Metrocenter will be extending the promotion they were offering with G-Unit Books. If you purchase a book during the visit, you will get an 8"x10" print of G-Unit Book founder, 50 Cent.

(Turner seen above with G-Unit bestselling author Relentless and 50 Cent.)

Find our more about Nikki Turner by visiting, and make sure you look out for other events and updates about her schedule at or

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

JUST IN: Candice Dow Brings "A Hire Love" to Mississippi (Dec. 14-16, 2007)

We are glad to announce that our December author of the month, Candice Dow, will be visiting Mississippi December 14-16, 2007.

Look for other details to be released soon! Thanks to Candice Dow and her team for making this possible! And visit her website at
Read Conversations' exclusive interview with her by copying and pasting this link:

Monday, February 5, 2007

JUST IN: Author Darden North Joins CONVERSATIONS BOOK CLUB for discussion/book signing

We are pleased to announce that Darden North is also a Mississippi author: the only one to be reviewed by Conversations Book Club in 2007! Find out more about North and his books by visiting

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Conversations Book Club Welcomes you to "KNOW THYSELF" Month


The main reason is that we have never seen Black History as something that could be contained with just a month of activity and remembrance. In our opinion, Black History is ALL of our history, so the month of February had to have another label, another purpose. Thus, "KNOW THYSELF" month.

What we hope to accomplihsh over the next several weeks is to highlight what makes us the people that we are---and who we are becoming. We will present authors to you who run the spectrum of topics: passion, cruelty, wealthy, fidelity, infidelity, rape, same-gender-loving,isolated... You name it, and we have it during the month of February 2007.

As with all of our authors, our purpose is to evoke thought as well as discussion. Maybe we don't know what to say about some of the topics we are discussing, but someone will and it gives us the opportunity to listen.

Check the site on a daily basis to see where additions have been made as well as how you can let your voice be heard. Believe me: we are listening.