Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Relentless Aaron encourages while Derrick L. Briggs prepares to show us why "Books are Sexy"

What a great week we have enjoyed... and the icing on the cake was definitely our conversations with the Father of Urban Fiction, Relentless Aaron! His discussion with the bookclub on Friday, February 16, 2007 was both inspiring and informative. He took us through the life that made him the tireless self-promoter that he is, and we learned about the lows that came before he rose to the top with numerous book and movie deals in three short years! Not familiar with his story? Then visit his site here, and prepare to be encouraged.
Thanks again Relentless for sharing with us.

What can our loyal members expect this upcoming week? More of the great discussions that you have come to know we will deliver at the best book club!

On Tuesday, February 20th, we will have author/book club president Derrick L. Briggs.
In this fascinating discussion look for us to learn about his visual approach to attracting book lovers--- and why he feels so passionate about encouraging men of color to read. This is one to mark on your calendars.

Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne joins us live and in person beginning Friday, February 23, 2007. Click on the schedule below for all the activities.

On Friday, February 23rd we will get the highlight of our month with the author of the month of February: National bestselling author Gloria Mallette! Haven't read about this author? Then click on our exclusive interview with her here.
She will talk to us about her success and why writing for herself has yielded great rewards.

And of course there is our final interview of the month with nationally recognized hiphop artist/bestselling author C-Murder. Join us as we talk about his book DEATH AROUND THE CORNER and how books helped him deal with two of the most trying years of his life!

Remember that all of the above will take place at the Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS at 6p.m. All three interviews will take place via conference call and the authors will be answering your questions!

We hope to see you there. For more details, contact the Medgar Evers Library at 601.982.2867.

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