Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bestselling author K. Elliott's trip to Mississippi: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

On Friday, March 30th, national bestselling author K. Elliott became the sixth author to visit Mississippi as part of Conversations Book Club's READ MY LIPS Literacy project--- and when the visit concluded on Saturday, March 31st, the only thing that could be said is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped to make the entire weekend an overwelming success. None of this would be possible without the support of For The People Productions, Medgar Evers Library, Richard Wright Library, Waldenbooks Metrocenter, CiCi's Pizza (Brandon), Savvy Book Club and all the others who came out to show their support.

Today began as most of our visits do, with breakfast at the Medgar Evers Library. From there we head to Kroger in Brandon to sign books for fans and to take a few pictures. Afterwards it was on to CiCi's Pizza for lunch and good conversation.

Around 2p.m. we returned to Richard Wright Library for a quick meet and greet and then joined the newly formed book club SAVVY for their first meeting at the Wille Morris Library in North Jackson.

Over the two days, K-Eliott sold over 100 books, took numerous pictures and put many a smile on the face of his fans and those who had a chance to just shake his hand and introduce themselves.

Thank you, K. Elliott, for sharing your time with us. The gift that you have shared with us through your books can't be measured in tangible value, but I think we speak for all when I say that we are better people for having met you.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Bestselling author K. Elliott's visit to Mississippi: DAY ONE

Things couldn't have begun better for the first visit of Bestselling author K. Elliott to Mississippi.

We began the day with a meeting at Peeples Middle School. Thanks to Ms. Walker and the other teachers who assisted with the visit, along with the students.

After we left the school it was off to Waldenbooks in the Metrocenter--- and we couldn't have had a better time! Many books were told, lots of hands were shook and we got a chance to show K. Elliott how we support our authors here.

Finally, we ended the day with our traditional book club discussion--- and it was good to have K.Elliott discuss the motivation behind his books as well as how he feels about the publishing business as a hold.

With day one behind us, we know that the weekend can only get better.

Tomorrow it all begins with breakfast at Medgar Evers Library, then on to Cici's Pizza in Brandon before we conclude with a meet and greet at Richard Wright Library. You can see the entire schedule below.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Developments for Conversations Book Club and its partners reveal themselves

March 2006 has been a busy month for Conversations Book Club and its partners--- and as it comes to an end we are pleased to announce new developments that are only going to affect the way we continue on throughout the remainder of the year.

First of all we need to remind you that we will be featuring bestselling author Angel M. Hunter (author of A DOLLAR AND A DREAM, AROUND THE WAY GIRLS, FAKING IT & SISTER GIRLS) on Tuesday, March 27th during hits discussion. She will be discussing her success, her upcoming projects and her upcoming visit to Mississippi.

Also, Conversations Book Club has teamed up with Ferguson Literary Group and its authors and planned visits later this year. Among them are bestselling author Naiomi Pitre (seen above) and Gregory B. Williams. Make sure to check our yearly schedule to see when these authors will be participating in events with us in the near future.

Also, we have been in constant communication with Bestselling author Thomas Long (seen above) and his visit to the state with Conversations Book Club. He is celebrating the release of the DVD "4 LIFE" based on his novel A THUG'S LIFE. We will get exclusive access to the author during his visit and a sneak look into those who are working with him on other projects.

And how can we forget what is coming up this weekend: the visit of bestselling author K-Elliott that begins Friday, March 30th. You have to read all the details found right here.

Have any questions? Contact us at or at 773.344.7220. These projects are moderated by For The People Productions marketing and public relations firm.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne tops bestsellers list again!

I just received this exciting breaking news! Click here for the details. Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne, who visited with Conversations Book Club in February 2007 has soared to the top of Karibu Bookstore's bestseller's list! You might remember that we were the first top on her tour for the new book, NAUGHTY GIRLS, and since that time she has been traveling all over the place in promotion of the project. (The list is comprised by combining sales from all seven of Karibu's stores in the United States.)

Congrats to Alisha and Urban Books for her success.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Urban Books' bestselling author Roy Glenn joins Conversations Book Club--- Tuesday, March 20th

His story is definitely one to be applauded. Roy Glenn, the bestselling author who has gotten critical acclaim from Carl Weber and beyond will be joining Conversations Book Club via conference call on Tuesday, March 20th at 6p.m. As always this will take place at the Medgar Evers Library.

Glenn, whose street titles include IS IT A CRIME, MOB, DRUG-RELATED and PAYBACK will be discussing his extraordinary career as well as the success of his newest saga OUTLAW.

Join us for the discussion and let him answer your questions in this exclusive event!

For more details, contact Medgar Evers Library at 601.982.2867 or contact Conversations Book Club at or online here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

National Bestselling author Reshonda Tate Billingsley's trip to Mississippi: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

At the end of a busy three days with bestselling author Reshonda Tate Billingsley, all I can say is thank you to everyone who came out and made each and every event a success!

First we have to begin with the author herself. Even seven months pregnant, she hung in their for each event, always friendly and ready to meet her fans and sign books no matter where we were (and we were a little bit of everywhere!). Reshonda, on behalf of Conversations Book Club, I am so glad that your first visit to Mississippi was with us! (Pictures are coming this weekend, so stay tuned!!!)

On Friday, we began the day with breakfast at Medgar Evers Library. Thanks to Alice Tisdale with the Jackson Advocate for coming out and supporting this event. Afterwards we headed to North Jackson and signed books at Barnes and Nobles (thanks to Sara Asmus). Hot on the heels of that visit, we headed to 16 WAPT and met with John Parker, the news assignment editor. Reshonda signed a book for John as well as C. A. Webb's account manager, Eula Forte'.

We then headed to Richard Wright Library for a meet and greet and ended the day at Eudora Welty Library for JAVA AND JAZZ. (Thanks to Charlotte Momen for welcoming us with open arms. A special thanks also goes out to the guest poet, John Sanders.)

On Friday, March 16th we began the day again with breakfast at Medgar Evers Library, with Billingsley and author/playwright Troy Bruckner (A BIRD IN FLIGHT ON BROKEN WINGS). This was the liveliest group we had this week, and the discussions were insigntful as well as educational.

Since it was her last day with us, our last two events of the day were a booksigning at Waldenbooks (thanks Lisa, Pam, Andrea and Christy for all of your help!) and then a book club discussion with Bruckner and Billingsley.

Again, everything went so well--- I couldn't have asked for anything better. Keep visiting us here online: the best is yet to come!

(UPDATE: I just found out that at Waldenbooks we sold 38 books the day of the signing and 100 month-to-date! And it is all because of you!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Already a week of activity and success for Conversations Book Club and its authors!

We are in the middle of a very busy week for Conversations Book Club and its partner, For The People Productions, but we wanted to go ahead and begin the recap of what we have had going on!

First we have to say a big THANK YOU to National Bestselling author Andrew Neiderman for joining Conversations Book Club via conference call on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. He is a man who doesn't have to go above and beyond like that, but he was gracious and shared a wealth of information with the group. On that note, make sure that you look out for his release coming later this year: UNHOLY BIRTH. It centers around a great deal of social issues that I know will keep your attention throughout!

Next I have to report that we began our three-day series of events with National Bestselling author Reshonda Tate Billingsley today--- and what a day it was! For those who met us along the way, all we can say is that we appreciate your support. So much was accomplished in the seven hours we are together today! Our journey began with a continental breakfast at the Medgar Evers Library and moved on to an interview on Clearchannel's 95.5 FM (Thanks Faye Myles and Lance Fuller for making that happen for us). After the interview we found ourselves meeting Alice Tisdale (Publisher of the Jackson Advocate Newspaper), visiting the Clarion Ledger offices and then signing books at the Wal-Mart Supercenter on HWY 18! From there we visited and signed books at the Margaret Walker Alexander Library and the Northside Library before calling it day.

In true "Conversations" fashion, you know we took lots of pictures, so look for the album by the end of the week--- and we have TWO MORE DAYS LEFT!!!

If you haven't printed out your own copy of our schedule, you will find it on the right of this site by clicking on the appropriate link.

We hope you will join us before she leaves us on Friday.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bestselling author Reshonda Tate Billingsley visits Mississippi!

Conversations Book Club is pleased to host National Bestselling author Reshonda Tate Billingsley's first trip to Mississippi! This trip wouldn't have been possible without the support of the book club as well as bestselling author Jihad. Look for all the details to be released soon!

Friday, March 9, 2007

International Bestselling author Andrew Neiderman converses with CONVERSATIONS --- Tuesday, March 13th

International bestselling author Andrew Neiderman talks with Conversations Book Club via conference call on Tuesday, March 13th--- marking the second time he has shared his story with CONVERSATIONS--- and the only organization in the state he has shared it with. Neiderman is the author of DEVIL'S ADVOCATE and the 2006 release FINDING SATAN, as well as the ghostwriter of the V. C. Andrews' novels for over 20 years. This is one you don't want to miss.

Conversations Book Club welcomes all book lovers to this discussion on Tuesday, March 13th at Medgar Evers Library (601.982.2867) at 6p.m. CST. Admission is free. To read our interview with Neiderman, click here.

REVEALED: Conversations' Exclusive Interview with Def Poetry Jam Poet C-Bone

You've wanted it. Now it's here! Read Conversations Book Club's exclusive interview with C-Bone Jones by clicking here.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

HICKSON continues to bring the heat with GHETTOHEAT authors!

Fresh on the heels of Conversations Book Club's interivew with GHETTOHEAT founder and author of the poetry volume with the same name, we are pleased to announce new plans with HICKSON (seen below) and the GHETTOHEAT family.

For those that didn't know, HICKSON and his author MIKA MILLER (seen below)will be making their first trip to Mississippi and the south beginning on Friday, November 16th, for two days of events with Conversations Book Club and For The People Productions... But why wait that long to enjoy the work that these talented authors are doing?

On Tuesday, May 8th, Conversations Book Club will have its first introduction with Mika Miller (author of AND GOD CREATED WOMAN) via conference call for its book club discussion. This will be followed on Friday, May 11th with a discussion with GHETTOHEAT author Sha (author of HARDER, seen below). Both will be at 6p.m. CST.

Not enough for you? Then join Conversations Book Club for a exclusive interview with Damon "Amin" Meadows (co-author of the controversial saga CONVICT'S CANDY, seen below). This will be a special 15-minute discussion from prison followed by a follow-up interview with HICKSON.

THESE ARE EVENTS YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS! For more information about GHETTOHEAT, click here.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Monday, March 5, 2007

Hiphopreneur Hickson converses with CONVERSATIONS BOOK CLUB--- Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Join Conversations Book Club on Tuesday, March 2, 2007 at 6p.m. for our discussion with author/poet HICKSON, via conference call.

HICKSON is CEO and Founder of GHETTOHEAT®. Born and raised in Harlem, New York, he still lives amongst his people. Graduating from the Fashion Institute of Technology in 1998, HICKSON received a Bachelors of Science degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications.

While attending college full-time, he briefly worked as a free-lance fashion stylist, which soon led to working as a wardrobe coordinator for Audrey Smaltz and the Ground Crew; a reputable backstage management team. There, HICKSON was anointed personally by the queen-of-the-catwalk, supermodel Naomi Campbell. For five years, HICKSON was in charge of coordinating her fast and intricate outfit changes; managing to meticulously dress Naomi amidst the fever, fierceness, and frenzy backstage at major fashion shows.

Wanting to get more involved in the creative process of runway shows, HICKSON free-lanced as a production coordinator for Bureau Betak, a leading special events/fashion show production company; best known for creating innovative concepts and producing avant-garde shows for fashion designers worldwide.

With the death of his grandfather and September 11th having a tremendous impact on his life, values and focus, HICKSON began writing poetry as an outlet; expressing himself freely on paper, while dealing with his own personal struggles. The creative writing evolved into the conception of his debut book, GHETTOHEAT®, which HICKSON never intended to print, until a friend read excerpts of his work; encouraging HICKSON to publish his poems immediately.

Poverty, pressure and passion drove HICKSON into becoming a self-made “Hip-Hopreneur”, creating his multimedia company, GHETTOHEAT® on June 4th, 2003, focusing on self-publishing, distributing, marketing and selling his own works. Determination also enabled HICKSON to publish other creative artists, in which he’s always seeking new talent. HICKSON’s vision is to continue producing great quality works, with his favorite subjects being his people, the inner-city voices of Ghetto-America. HICKSON’s next release is SKATE ON!, his first novel.
Find our more about HICKSON by clicking here.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

April 2007 Conversations Magazine goes on sale Friday, March 9, 2007

We are pleased to announce that the Conversations Magazine is back and will the first edition of the year will be released on Friday, March 9, 2007. Gracing the cover is Def Poetry Jam poet C-Bone Jones. He discusses with us the accident that almost claimed his life as well as the passion he feel for the spoken word. C-Bone will be joining Conversations Book Club in carefully selected events during National Poetry Month. Also included in this issue is Kristine Mill-Noble, the woman behind some of the most powerful book covers in the literary world.

To reserve your copy to day or get the e-book version, simply visit and click on the appropriate link.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Another Great week for Conversations Book Club!


"On behalf of Conversations Book Club and our partners at For The People Productions, Medgar Evers Library, Richard Wright Library, Waldenbooks Metrocenter and Real Roots Bar and Grill, we want to thank everyone who supported our activities during the month of February 2007! Thanks to all of the authors who participated in our book club discussions, and a special thanks goes out to authors Alphonso Morgan and Alisha Yvonne who visited with us. During the month we held conversations with Mary B. Morrison, Relentless Aaron, Derrick L. Briggs, Gloria Mallette (our February 2007 Author of the Month) and Corey Miller (aka C-Murder). Each was insightful and gave our group much to discuss.

"We began March 2007 with a bang as well. Thanks to bestselling horror author Brandon Massey for joining us on Friday, March 2nd for our forum "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL: African American Authors in Bookstores". It was a spirited discussion with both sides able to make their arguments heard. Look for more on this later in the year as we continue to debate alternatives that work for all involved!

"As you know from the webpage already, there is much going on in March 2007. Make sure to bookmark us and visit often as we prepare for conversations with Hickson, Keith Lee Johnson, Andrew Neiderman, Reshonda Tate Billingsley, Troy Bruckner, Roy Glenn, Brandon Massey (our March 2007 Author of the Month), Angel Hunter, K. Elliott and Nikki Turner!

"Don't see an author you want to have featured? Then email me at We are also preparing for our book fair that will be held Saturday, April 7th at the Richard Wright Library, featuring authors published by Urban Books and Q-Boro Books as well as "ALL 4 ONE: 1st Mississippi Book Club Association Meet and Greet" that will be held on Saturday, July 7th at the Medgar Evers Library.

"During the month of April 2007, Conversations Book Club will be co-sponsoring "FEEL THE PASSION", featuring Def Poetry Jam poet C-Bone Jones beginning Friday, April 13th. (Visit for all the details.)

"The 1st Conversations Literary Ball is also in August 2007 so look for more details on that and the authors working with us on it by visiting our sister site

"That's it for now. We look forward to your continued support as we move forward with the arts in the state. I have said it once, and I will say it again. It's not about Black or White. It's about Mississippi."