Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bestselling author K. Elliott's trip to Mississippi: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

On Friday, March 30th, national bestselling author K. Elliott became the sixth author to visit Mississippi as part of Conversations Book Club's READ MY LIPS Literacy project--- and when the visit concluded on Saturday, March 31st, the only thing that could be said is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped to make the entire weekend an overwelming success. None of this would be possible without the support of For The People Productions, Medgar Evers Library, Richard Wright Library, Waldenbooks Metrocenter, CiCi's Pizza (Brandon), Savvy Book Club and all the others who came out to show their support.

Today began as most of our visits do, with breakfast at the Medgar Evers Library. From there we head to Kroger in Brandon to sign books for fans and to take a few pictures. Afterwards it was on to CiCi's Pizza for lunch and good conversation.

Around 2p.m. we returned to Richard Wright Library for a quick meet and greet and then joined the newly formed book club SAVVY for their first meeting at the Wille Morris Library in North Jackson.

Over the two days, K-Eliott sold over 100 books, took numerous pictures and put many a smile on the face of his fans and those who had a chance to just shake his hand and introduce themselves.

Thank you, K. Elliott, for sharing your time with us. The gift that you have shared with us through your books can't be measured in tangible value, but I think we speak for all when I say that we are better people for having met you.

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