Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, August 18, 2007

CBC Reports on Ellis/Jeanty Visit--- Day One

A big thank you to everyone who made DAY ONE with Bestselling authors Nishawnda Ellis and Richard Jeanty an overwelming success on Friday, August 17, 2007. We had an incredible turnout at every event---and it was just a testament to how you all will support events in the state of Mississippi when given the chance.

Our day began with a meet and greet hosted by Savvy Book Club for their guest this weekend Tamara Grant. Authors Ellis and Jeanty were able to meet the book club president, the visiting author and share some ideas about writing and publishing. This event was held at Margaret Walker Alexander Library.

Next it was off to Wal-Mart in Pearl, MS where Ellis signed copies of her book WIVES AND GIRLFRIENDS.

After this stop we moved on to Pearl High School in Pearl, MS where Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb and the two authors spoke about the power of technology and how it has helped their careers as well as enabled them to promote themselves. This was hosted by teacher Elaine Bridges, a long-time friend of Webb's.

Lunchtime was spent with a visit at Subway Restaurant in Pearl, MS. There the authors met owners Dorothy and Chris Lawson. This Subway is where we hold three chapters of our book clubs as well as our "Spoken Word Saturdays" event.

From there it was on to a successful "Meet and Greet" at Richard Wright Library, hosted by Librarian Debra Gilbert. We were greeted by Adrienne Bailey, President of Queens of MS Book Club and Subway Conversations Book Club member Robin Gardner. (Thanks ladies for your help!) I think the highlight of this event was that a teen walking into the librarian was literally rendered speechless when he met Richard Jeanty, the author of NEGLECTED SOULS---a book the young man had read! Simply priceless.

The final event of the evening was our FIRST STANDING ROOM ONLY book club discussion that was held at Waldenbooks Metrocenter at 6p.m. Talk about powerful! It was one of those moments that makes all of the hard work that goes into these events worth it all. I was introduced to new visitors as well as some that I have met this week at our regular meetings! Thank you to all of you for your support. The incredible part of it was that an hour after the discussion ended, Ellis and Jeanty were still signing copies of their books that were being sold!

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