Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, October 22, 2007

CBC Report: Author Jonathan Richardson, Mission Accomplished!

(NOTE: If you missed out on Day one's activities, then click here. For day two, then click here.)

Thanks to everyone who made the three-day visit of author Jonathan Richardson (THE COMPLICATED LIFE OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN) a success.

We ended the visit on Sunday with an inspirational service, thanks to the suggestion of book club member and friend Robin Gardner. At the end of the day we were back at Subway in Pearl, MS for the final book club discussion of the visit where we began with our choice of the month, THE FORGOTTEN SPIRIT by author Evie Rhodes and then used the last moments to reflect on Richardson's stay with us and his book.

If you are looking for copies of the book, they are available from Conversations Book Club for only $15.00. If you have purchased the book and want to communicate with the author, make sure to visit their website.

1 comment:

Black Talk authorjdrichardson said...

I would just like to say "Thank You" to Conversations Book Club for your graciousness shown towards me when I came to your lovely State! I hope to return in the future.

God Bless You!

Jonathan Richardson