Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bestselling author KaShamba Williams: Day One

Since 2003 Bestselling author KaShamba Williams has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with in the literary industry. She started off as a self-published author, but it wasn’t long before she was able to catch the attention of the power players in the publishing world. This is all fascinating when you realize that she never thought she would be an author professionally. Now she a publisher's dream---and a publisher herself!

Kashamba told Conversations that she was looking for a way to reach young women and men about life and the consequences of the choices they made. She decided the best way to do this was to write a book—and the rest is bestselling history.

A lot of what she writes is based on real life experiences (of herself and others), and for this reason Kashamba Williams says that “There is a story within us all.” For her writing is her way of trying to encourage people to be the best they can be. “People don’t expect you to do great things,” she explained. “It is up to us to show what is inside of us.”

What has her success done for her personally? The answer is astounding: “It’s not about selling books for me. It’s about changing lives.”

Publishers Triple Crown Publication and Urban Books have been singing her praises since the beginning, and the stories she has penned about lives out of control turning around have resonated with so many. Williams enjoys the writing, but she admits the down side is the politics of the business. “It can bring you down,” she told us, “but you have to remain true to who you are. If you can do that, then there is no limit to what you can accomplish.”

And with the track record she has amassed, it is obvious that she is taking her own advice.

On Friday, November 16, 2007 KaShamba Williams became Conversations’ 27th author to host in Mississippi as part of our “Read My Lips” literary campaign. Her new book MIND GAMES will be in stores everywhere soon. Her advice to others out there? "When God gives you something, don't hold back on it."

Williams' next project will be part of a Christian Fiction anthology called EVEN SINNERS HAVE SOULS, published through Urban Christian Fiction with Bestselling author Chunichi, Joy, Noire, B.L.U.N.T. and Nikki Turner.

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