Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bestselling author Tina Brooks McKinney: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Thank you to everyone who made the visit of Bestselling author Tina Brooks McKinney a success this weekend. From Mississippi to Louisiana, we were able to crisscross cities to encourage reading and let fans and newcomers meet the author who has captured our imagination over the past few years.

After a moment of reflection before starting the day, the author, members of Conversations Book Club (including recording artists Trill, G-Money & Tim Steele) and the ladies of "Naked Conversations" hit the road headed to Borders in Metairie, Louisiana.

Joining the discussion in Louisiana were Russell Baker and Recording artist/Bestselling author Corey "C-Murder" Miller, both of TRU Publishing. After taking pictures, Miller couldn't leave the event without purchasing a copy of each of McKinney's titles.

Tina Brooks McKinney were also joined by friends Vanessa Johnson (author of "When Death Comes A Knockin") and editor Lynel Johnson Washington. The two ladies hadn't seen McKinney since 2005 and were glad to sit in on the signing and discussion.

Conversations can't thank Bestselling author Tina Brooks McKinney enough for her kind worsd and willingness to work with us. Her kindness is something we will never forget.

For those who missed it, you can visit Tina online at

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