Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Conversations LIVE! talks with bestselling author John Elder Robison

Did you miss our exclusive interview with Bestselling author John Elder Robinson? Listen to it in its entirety here!
 Many know him as the brother of Augusten Burroughs (author of Running With Scissors), but he is so much more than that. In his memoir, LOOK ME IN THE EYE, we get a glimpse into life with Aspergers Disease (a form of Autism) and how it crafted his outlook on life.
In this interview he gives us an idea of what it is like to be seen as different and what he hopes we get from reading his story and walking in his shoes through the stories he relates. LOOK ME IN THE EYE was chosen as one of Conversations Book Club's Top 50 Nonficion books to read in 2008. Pick up your copy today to see why! For more information about the author, visit
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