Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, November 20, 2008

FRI. NOV. 21, 2008: Today's Guests on Conversations LIVE!

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2008: Conversations LIVE! is pleased to announce today's guests and tell you what is coming up next for one of the hottest entertainment radio shows on the air right now.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2008  @ 12P.M. CST (1P.M. EST/ 10 A.M. PT)
Cornbreadd from MTV's "50 Cent: The Money and The Power" talks about why he auditioned for the hot reality show, what he thinks of the way he has been portrayed and what he ultimately wants to do with his life.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2008 @ 6P.M. CST (7P.M. EST/ 4P.M. PT)
New York Times Bestselling author J. L. King will make his third visit to Conversations LIVE! to discuss the success of his first novel LOVE ON A TWO-WAY STREET and how he is working with Conversations Book Club in promoting his LOVE OVERBOARD tour in the South beginning in December 2008.
To hear any of the above interviews and discussions online, simply visit at the above-mentioned time. To listen via the studio line, call 1.347.426.3645. To contact Cyrus A. Webb about being featured on Conversations LIVE! call 601.896.5616 or email him at

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