Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, December 27, 2008

CBC Report: Conversations' Founder Reviews "Abramo's Gift" by Donald Greco

Conversations Book Club Founder Cyrus A. Webb is pleased to announce that this week's review that appears in the Clarion Ledger (Rankin Ledger insert) is of author Donald Greco's "Abramo's Gift"! (See below)
This is Webb's 35th and last review for the paper in 2008. Read the article by visiting this link:
Greco's novel was chosen as one of Conversations' "Best Kept Literary Secrets of 2008 (See complete list here : ).
In what the author called his 'best interview yet', Greco also appeared as a guest on Conversations LIVE! Radio during December 2008 where he talked about how after writing for over 30 years he decided to publish ABRAMO'S GIFT. He also discusses how those around him found out about his love of writing, what he hopes others get from the lessons in the book and how others can find their own "gift" during this holiday season. Listen to the interview by clicking on this link:
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