Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 21, 2009

TAKE TEN: Our Conversation with Author Alicia Ash

TAKE TEN: Our Conversation with Author Alicia Ash
Her personal story is an inspiration to people of all ages and backgrounds across the world. Author Alicia Ash has been near death more than once, but in the end her desire to be there for her  family helped her to come out a winner, even appearing as a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show! In this exclusive interview she talks about her past, the transformation she has made both on the inside and out, her involvement in the historic new reality show The Write Stuff, and what she hopes her example does for others.
Alicia, thank you for taking out the time to speak with us. First of all I know you are preparing for the release of your debut book. Tell our readers the name and what led you to write it.
The title of the book is I Dropped 142 lbs in a year & lost 220 lbs in a Day. When I started this journey of transformation I started journaling to be able to keep track of my daily routine to see if I needed to make changes. As I began to see I was really getting great results, I wanted to share my experience with other people like myself that felt like it was not possible. As the transformation started to be so visible to others around me they were begging me to please help them so I knew then this was not about me anymore it was a ministry to bless others with a proven system that I knew works.
Alot of people find it hard to look at themselves and reveal personal details about their life, but you seemed to be okay with sharing what was your truth. Was it always easy for you to do so?
In the beginning it was not easy at all. You could not even get me in front of a camera let alone to be around a crowd of people, because I was ashamed at how I looked and felt. As I came to realize this was bigger than me, it was a message I wanted to share with everyone that wanted to not only shed weight but shed issues because I was carrying not only physical weight but mental weight as well. I believe we all carry too much of one or the other and we need to learn how to balance it to live healthier lives.

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