Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

TAKE TEN: Conversations' Interview with author Tom McManus

TAKE TEN: Conversations' Interview with Author Tom McManus

Tom McManus may not be what you consider the 'typical author,' however, nothing about his life or experiences can be called typical. After finding success in the NFL he has gone on to host his own sports talk radio show and now pen a book about his special relationship with his father called "We'll Always Be Pals". What does he have to say about what led to the writing of the book and what all of us can glean from it when it comes to our own relationships with family and friends? McManus discusses all of this and more.

Tom, thank you for taking out time to talk with us. Before I get into your book "We'll Always Be Pals" I want to talk about the writing experience overall. When you look at your journey overall, does it surprise you that you are now finding success as an author?
I don't think the word surprise is the term I would use. Surreal is more like it although from the start I always felt this was a compelling story that had to be told and that I had to be the one to tell it, my way. Now that it has been out a few months and the response has been somewhat overwhelming, it's a surreal feeling knowing that what I wrote is moving and inspiring people. It's a tremendous feeling for that is one of the reasons I wrote "We'll Always Be Pals".

This is quite a career change from football, however, it seems you are able to resonate with sports lovers through your book. Do you think your past career will bring a different audience to read?
Yes, I do, for my story of making it is a lot closer to what people in the real world go through. Everyone thinks that the NFL is just full of stars, but in reality the "stars" of the league make up a small percentage of the players. Not everyone is a first round draft pick that gets paid millions of dollars. I believe my story will resonate because although I had enough talent to be in the league, it was a struggle for me to realize my dream. It also tells the story of getting lucky, but also being prepared when an opportunity arises and making the most out of it.

Let's take a step back to what led to the book being written. I know through a video on your site you talk about when you started writing it. Why don't you share that with our readers.
I wrote the initial story for my first daughter who was yet to be born. I was out of football and was coming to grips with knowing my career was over, that my dream had died. I had just finished reading Tom Brokaw's, The Greatest Generation, which tells the story of someone born in 1920 and all that they went through. Well, my father was born in 1920 and the life he lived was truly incredible. I felt like I had to write about his story for he was the only grandparent that wasn't around for the birth of my first child, my Avery Ann, and he was so important to me and what I am all about that I had to let her know all about him. Now it has grown into so much more, for we have three daughters, Kelsey Marie and Harley Mae, and we talk about their Grandpa Geno and all he did and all that he meant to their own father, all the time.

To read the entire interview, visit this link:

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