Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tray Chaney of HBO's The Wire talks success, literacy

When looking for examples of those who are talking the talk and walking the walk when it comes to their dreams, they don't get any more real than Tray Chaney. He has been used to the public eye since he was a young boy, and now with feature films, a budding music career, an autobiography and a celebrated role on HBO's The Wire under his belt, the future just continues to look brighter. Tray took out time out of his busy schedule to talk about his evolution as a man and entertainer, and why he is supporting projects like The Write Stuff Literacy Campaign in an effort to give back to those who are looking for something better in their lives. Here is our conversation.

Tray, thanks for taking out the time to talk with us. You have achieved so much in your life from an early age. Are you surprised at how quickly things have come your way?   

Well, I feel as though I really put in alot of hard work, time and effort throughout the years. I been in the entertainment industry since I was 8yrs old.  To be able to get recognized through out the world for some of my achievements such as starring on one of the biggest shows that ever hit television (The Wire) portraying the character "Poot"  and also having an inspirational Book out titled The Truth You Can't beTRAY" is defitnely a blessing from God. The only reason I am not all that surprised at how quickly things have come my way is because I am a firm believer in God, and I work very hard and take this job serious and thats what it takes to achieve goals.

Take us back to Tray Chaney as a child. Did you always know you were going to achieve big things?

Well I did have a strong support system behind me such as my parents, family members, the community. When individuals see that a child has something that he or she is trying to do on a positive note usually you can get that strong support. I always dreamed about achieving Big things, and its defitnely nothing wrong with dreaming.  I still dream, so to answer your question YES I did feel like one day I will become successful the older and more mature I get.

What about your family? It seems like from the video on your website that your family has been supportive of your dream from the beginning. Has that always been the case?

Yes that has defitnely been the case. I am truly blessed to have the parent I have. My parents always taught me to be humble at the same time determined to achieve my goals in life. They also taught me that education has to be taken very serious if I was going to be pursuing a Career in the entertainment industry PERIOD. They were very Firm when it came down to getting my education. They have truly provided for me as well as Supported.

You have gone from performing on television at the Apollo to being on HBO's The Wire. What would you tell those who want to enter the entertainment industry about your experience that could help them?

 Honestly I would tell them to never take the word NO as an answer.  Study your craft. Studying your craft could mean furthering your education on what it is that you are pursuing by taking Classes, just really staying humble and devoting your time as well as energy. Dont ever get discouraged because once that happens that can really throw your focus off and you defitnely dont want that to happen. Always realize this business is Tough, so you have to stay Strong.

Read the full interview here:

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