Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Real-Life "Bilie Jean" talks with Cyrus A. Webb about Michael Jack son, more

Shadow Play Entertainment and the Conversations Brand are sadden by the death of an icon: Michael Jackson. Though we never had the opportunity to interview him directly, we did have the opportunity to befriend the real-life "Billie Jean", Theresa Gonsalves.

On her website, she had this to say on Thursday, June 25, 2009: "My heart is heavy with sadness as I mourn the loss of my dear friend
Michael Jackson! Michael, I will see you in Glory!"
Cyrus A. Webb, President of both Shadow Play and Conversations was able to interview Gonsalves several times over the period of three years about her relationship with Michael Jackson, how she dealt with the media attention and about her book OBSESSIONS which talks about the two of them as well as about the relationship that threatened to kill her.


In 1984 Star Magazine, a publication said to sometimes stretch the truth, was the first to reveal something that had puzzled many a music lover: who was the inspiration behind Superstar Michael Jackson's hit song BILLIE JEAN. They answered that question with not only an interview, but a series of pictures of the woman: Theresa Gonsalves.

 Theresa's relationship with Michael began when she was twelve years old. She became "obsessed" with him and wrote him numerous letters until they met in Las Vegas for her sixteenth birthday! The obsession continued as they stayed in touch from that point on. Their worlds have continuously gone full circle always leading back to each other. They last saw each other four days before his arrest for these current child molestation charges as she introduced her own son Mychal (named after Michael) to him. Michael had his kids with him as well and was genuinely happy to see that Theresa's son was so well cared for! However, it was Theresa's son Todd that was the controversy behind the hit song Billie Jean. Her friendship with Michael was such that she confided in him about all aspects of her life. In detailing her situation about her baby's daddy....Michael wrote the song Billie Jean about her!

Read the entire interview as it appeared in the online magazine Blagazine back in August 2006:

During the summer of 2008, Webb interviewed Gonsalves on his radio show Conversations LIVE! Conversations Book Club was hosting her first visit to Mississippi to promote her book OBSESSIONS and THE MAN IN THE WOODS. Listen to the entire interview here:

Our sincere thoughts and prayers go out to the Jackson family and all of those who are reflecting on the life and legacy of 'The King of Pop.'

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mon. June 15, 2009: Bestselling author John Saul on Conversations LIVE! Radio

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2009 @ 12P.M. CST (1p.m. EST/10a.m. PT)
Shadow Play Entertainment is excited to announce that International Bestselling author John Saul will be on Conversations LIVE! Radio today to discuss his amazing career as well as his new projects.

Chosen as Conversations Book Club's Author Of The Year 2008-2009, Saul will share his beginnings as an author, the release of his book FACES OF FEAR in paperback (July 2009) and his new novel coming out later this year.

To listen to the interview live, visit Have a question for the author you want answered? We will be taking calls as well!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

“The TRUth of Conversations and Platinum-selling Recording Artist C-Mu rder”

"The TRU Story of How Conversations Partnered with Platinum-selling Recording Artist /Bestselling author C-Murder"
by Herschel Dixon with Stanley Clark of For The People Productions

(Part Two of For The People Productions' Three-Part Series Celebrating The Six Years of Success of Cyrus A. Webb's Conversations Brand. Missed part one of our three part interview with Cyrus A. Webb? Visit this link:

I got a call from Cyrus on the afternoon of Monday, June 1, 2009 telling me that he was on hold to talk with Martha Stewart on her radio show. That's right: Martha Stewart. And as you can imagine he was excited. I didn't know it at the time, but he had seen a tweet from Martha on Twitter inviting people to call into her show during her "Ask Martha" segment. That was all he needed.

That is the Cyrus Webb I have gotten to know over the past decade since we first met. He sees something that he wants, and he goes after it with no thought of what can't be done. The word "No" doesn't exist in his world, at least not when directed towards him. Obstacles just mean "Not right now."

The month he was celebrating as the six year anniversary of his Conversations Brand is really a celebration of the growth Webb has experienced not only within himself and his audience, but the number of walls he has brought down because of just wanting to bring people together to promote the very best of themselves.

I have heard Cyrus joke with people that he has a split personality: the everyday Cyrus Webb and the more public alter ego C. A. Webb. I believe at some point that might just be true. From what I have seen, however, over the years it has been hard to tell when one ends and the other begins.

"I run my life just like one runs a political campaign," he says. "My typical day begins between 4-5:30a.m. 7 days a week with a very deliberate routine. I get dressed, put on the water for my coffee and check email before updating my websites and going through my daily schedule." That's right: a schedule. Before going to bed each day he makes a list of things he knows he wants to get done when the next day begins. "The list may change some throughout the day," he admits. "Some things are added or even moved to the following day, but there is an effort made to make each day count."

Failure to best utilize the hours he is given can sometime lead to a side of Webb that is not as flattering as the calm persona he likes to show. He is a control freak. This is not something I have heard, but something I have seen firsthand over the time since we met. Cyrus Webb does not like for outside forces to sway him in any way. Time is precious, and he doesn't like to waste any of what he is given. "I have a saying that I tweet everyday," he says. "It's very simple: 'YESTERDAY is gone. TOMORROW is not promised. All you have is TODAY.' That is not just true of me, but everyone."

For Cyrus time is not just money, but a priceless resource that can't be wasted. It seems that is the reason why he has done his best to make his brand, especially Conversations, something that is not limited to one group.

"One of the things that frustrates me the most is people assuming things about me and what I do based on what they think they know or what they see," Webb says. During this conversation on the phone he paused as though trying to make sure he made his point the best way possible. "I am a young black male, but this doesn't mean everything I do is based on my age or my race. My world is so much bigger than black and white. I don't see this argument having to be made by those who are my white counterparts and friends. I don't want to be put in a box."

(Photo above courtesy of Jackson Advocate Newspaper)

As Webb continued to grow Conversations, it became clear that his vision was not going to be a one note. From the radio or television shows to the magazine and then to the book clubs, there was something for every group. What impressed me the most about the way the brand was constructed, was the fact that Cyrus had an invested interest in every aspect. He researches every guest, reads every book and personally writes them an electronic Thank You note afterwards. "It's called Conversations," he says, "so it stands to reason that I would have to be personally involved with every aspect of it. In order for all of these parts to work, I have to know what I'm talking about, especially if it is something that takes me out of my comfort level."

Read the remainder of this interview by visiting this link:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Conversations At Cici's Pizza" (Brandon, MS) Debuts in July 2009. De tails here.

"Conversations At Cici's"!

Welcome to "Conversations At Cici's*", where we combine good books and an affordable meal to create great conversations to be enjoyed by all. Whether its our book club meetings or the hosting of Rankin County's only weekly open mic night, we have something for everyone. Admission is only the cost of the buffet. Visit These events are held at the Cici's Pizza located at 1303 W. Government Street in Brandon, Mississippi. Call-in orders are welcome. Contact Cici's Pizza at 601.591.0864.

* This is another Shadow Play Entertainment/Conversations Book Club Production.

Friday, June 5, 2009

FRI. JUNE 5, 2009 & 12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST): Kim Wayans & Kevin Knotts on Conversations LIVE! Radio

Friday, June 5, 2009 @ 12p.m. CST (1p.m. EST/10a.m. PT)

Hosted by Cyrus A. Webb, Conversations LIVE! Radio welcomes authors (and husband/wife team) Kim Wayans and Kevin Knotts.

The two talk with listeners about their children's book series featuring Amy Hodges and how they hope it creates dialogue about diversity and acceptance of others.

To listen to the interview live, visit at showtime.

Missed other interviews by Conversations LIVE! Radio? Visit

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Write Stuff Founder Talks to Martha Stewart About Literacy

On Monday, June 1, 2009 The Write Stuff Founder, Cyrus A. Webb, had the opportunity to talk with one of his business heroes: Martha Stewart.

The 3 minute conversation took place during her "Ask Martha" segment on her Sirius radio show. Webb began by telling Martha how glad he was she had taken his call, and that he had loved her book THE MARTHA RULES and uses it in his own life. He then told Martha about the upcoming Reading Parties that are being held across the country to promote literacy, and asked her for advice on how to reach out to others to share the love of reading.

She first said that the parties were "a great idea" and then said it was important to encourage reading. Martha went on to say that some who might not have a love for reading may have had some type of disability that might have prohibited them from doing so effectively or might just not know where to begin. She suggested reaching out to those in the community who are known to reach out and assist, such as teachers, community leaders and organizations equipped to assist individuals. She then wished the project luck!

Webb thanks Martha for her kind words and advice. We look forward to having her involved in our literacy campaign in some fashion in the future.

Part One of For The People's Interview w/Cyrus A. Webb

The King of Conversations Celebrates Six Years of Success
By Stanley Clark with Herschel Dixon

(NOTE: This is Part One in a three-part series of our interview with For The People Productions' Chief of Staff and Conversations founder Cyrus A. Webb about the creation of his omnimedia organization and his reflection from the past six years. In what is by far his most revealing interview to date, he addresses his beginnings in the spotlight, some of the challenges and controversies he has overcome and what is next in his growing organization.)

On Monday, June 1, 2009 Mississippi native Cyrus A. Webb aka C. A. Webb marked six years since he had packaged his love of thoughtful discussions into what would become known as The Conversations Brand. What began in 2003 as a radio show called Conversations with C. A. Webb talking with the movers and shakers in his home state has expanded into a national platform where people in the all areas of the arts and entertainment world can be united with their fans and supporters through a radio and television show, magazine, forums and book clubs—lots of book clubs. Under Webb, Conversations has been talked and written about in regional newspapers and magazines such as The Clarion Ledger, The Record, Mckinney Courier, Hype Magazine, and Times Picayune and in national outlets such as The Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, MTV, VH1, USA Today and more.

Since its inception, literally hundreds of guests have talked with the host and his audience and tens of thousands have tuned in to the conversations. By 2008, Webb's Conversations Book Club was considered one of the leading literary reading groups, boasting 10 chapters in five states covering all genres, cultural backgrounds and interests. To date the book club has arguably hosted more authors than any other in the country. In 2008, Webb was honored to have his radio show, Conversations LIVE! Radio (formerly "Conversations with C. A. Webb), be considered the "It" place for some of the biggest names on television, getting exclusive interviews that were not found anywhere else!

"I knew that God had blessed me with gifts," says Webb,33. "I just wasn't sure to what extent those gifts would be utilized." Before 2003 Webb was mainly known as a spoken word and visual artist as well as someone who shared his talent with the youth, but from an early age those around him knew there was more to come. "I go back and read some of the articles where those I've worked with talk about me and it seems almost surreal," he says. "Who would have known that my mission to be heard would lead to this?"

Read Part One of the interview here: