Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Write Stuff Founder Talks to Martha Stewart About Literacy

On Monday, June 1, 2009 The Write Stuff Founder, Cyrus A. Webb, had the opportunity to talk with one of his business heroes: Martha Stewart.

The 3 minute conversation took place during her "Ask Martha" segment on her Sirius radio show. Webb began by telling Martha how glad he was she had taken his call, and that he had loved her book THE MARTHA RULES and uses it in his own life. He then told Martha about the upcoming Reading Parties that are being held across the country to promote literacy, and asked her for advice on how to reach out to others to share the love of reading.

She first said that the parties were "a great idea" and then said it was important to encourage reading. Martha went on to say that some who might not have a love for reading may have had some type of disability that might have prohibited them from doing so effectively or might just not know where to begin. She suggested reaching out to those in the community who are known to reach out and assist, such as teachers, community leaders and organizations equipped to assist individuals. She then wished the project luck!

Webb thanks Martha for her kind words and advice. We look forward to having her involved in our literacy campaign in some fashion in the future.

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