Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, September 4, 2009

C. A. Webb Presents..."TAKE TEN: Author S. Dodson"

TAKE TEN: Author S. Dodson

Thinking about stepping out on your significant other? One read of the new book by author S. Dodson will give you something to think about before making what could be a costly mistake. The native of Arkansas has woven together a tale of love, lust and downright payback in CHEATING ON MY MISTRESS. What was inspired by a dream has come to life in a run read that book lovers will be easily drawn to. S. Dodson talked to Cyrus A. Webb of Conversations about the idea of the book, promoting it and what advice she has for aspiring writers.

Thanks for taking out a few minutes to talk with us. First of all, how does it feel to see your novel actually in print?
It feels great. I have a strong passion for writing. I enjoy the opportunity to share my works with the world.

What surprised you the most about the journey from having the idea, writing the story and the process to seeing it published?
I think I was must surprised with the time it takes to find a good book editor. Everything else flowed smoothly from beginning to end because I did some research about the book industry beforehand.

Have you gotten used to the promotional aspect yet?
Yes and No. Promoting your work is a job within itself. You have to stay on top of it or else your work will get lost in the pack.
Take us into the book CHEATING ON MY MISTRESS. It is a provacative title and an incredible read. Where did the idea come from?
The idea for Cheating On My Mistress came to me in a dream. The story is centered on the life of a retired NBA player named Carmelo Miller. He has the money, cars, wife and the home. He seems to have it all together, but doesn't have the courage to talk to his wife about their sex life. Instead, he steps outside of his marriage to fill this void. This results in him meeting and starting a relationship with two other women: Augustine and Monique.
Read the entire interview here:

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