Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Literary Community Unites To Promote A National Day of Reading In Each State


The Literary Community Unites To Promote A National Day of Reading In Each State

Contact: Cyrus A. Webb, Founder of The Write Stuff Literacy Campaign / 601.896.5616

Earlier this year, ABC News reported that over 30 million Americans ages 16 and up were unable to read or write well. This proves what many have said for some time: Illiteracy is an epidemic that is spreading daily, claiming victims of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds.

Shadow Play Entertainment, Conversations Book Club, The Write Stuff Literacy Campaign and their literary partners are excited to announce a historic event geared towards sharing the gift of reading and books across the United States under a show of united support in each state. On Saturday, November 21, 2009 between the hours of 10-6p.m., The Write Stuff founder and host Cyrus A. Webb is working with others in scheduling Reading Parties (see ) throughout the country geared towards 1) speaking in one voice in support of encouraging reading, 2) supporting local authors and their books and 3) providing a positive outlet that is sometimes overlooked with all the chaos going on in the world around us.

Each Reading Party will be designed for that particular area by that particular area. Webb and his supporters will only act as a means to promote the event and help strategize where their is a need for assistance. During the time frame selected by each Reading Party, there will be booksignings, book discussions or whatever seems appropriate to that host. The events are part of the Art, Books & Beats movement ( which combines the power of visual/literary art, books and music. Those participating will be listed online at identified by their state along with what type of event they are hosting as well as the time of their event. All Reading Parties are free to the public.

If you are in a position to do so, The Write Stuff Literacy Campaign is asking that you bring a new or used book to the event you attend. Book donations will benefit CityKids Foundation, Common Ground Foundation, Everybody Wins, Reading Tree, Adele's Literacy Library and NEA's "Read Across America".

Have questions about this National Day of Reading? Are you an author, book lover, book club or entertainer that would like to coordinate an event in connection with our historic literary event? Contact Cyrus A. Webb at or 601.896.5616.


Anonymous said...

I am from Taiwan! Si vous voulez visiter Taiwan, bienvenue sur mon site et des visites Zhijiao, je vais proposer divers types de visites guidées et visites guidées ...

I am from Taiwan! If you want to visit Taiwan, welcome to my site visits and Zhijiao, I will provide various guided tours and guided tours .

Ich komme aus Taiwan! Wenn Sie nach Taiwan besuchen möchten, herzlich willkommen auf meiner Besuche vor Ort und Zhijiao, werde ich verschiedene geführte Touren bieten und Führungen ...


Anonymous said...

正享除蟲服務項目:白蟻防治 跳蚤防治 蛀蟲 燻蒸防治 蟑螂防治 老鼠防治 蚊子防治 蒼蠅防治 螞蟻防治 蛾蚋防治 園藝防治