Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, January 2, 2010

REVIEW: "The Happiness Factor" by Kirk Wilkinson

(Reviewed by Cyrus Webb for Conversations Book Club and Conversations Magazine)

With a New Year normally come new resolutions based on what we would like to see accomplished for ourselves and others in the future. Indeed, as we listen to the news and think about the trials that so many are experiencing it is enough to bring you down and make you feel as though all hope is lost. Not so. We have only to look at the examples of those who have weathered difficult times and succeeded to see that in many instances we are the ones really limiting ourselves.

Take for instance Kirk Wilkinson. He has spent almost half his life trying to assist others in realizing the potential that they possess. He has released a powerful book called “The Happiness Factor: How to be Happy No Matter What!” and through it he shared not only his practical advice for others but showed his credentials to do so. You see, Kirk is not just someone who is talking about a subject without having any real experience with it. He has personally had to use the information to get through his own low points.

Read the entire review by Cyrus Webb here:

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