Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cyrus Webb and Conversations Reveal The "Top 100 Books of 2010"


Cyrus Webb and Conversations Magazine Reveal The "Top 100 Books of 2010"


Since 2008 Conversations' "Top 100 Books" has been recognized for being the largest list each year that fairly gathers the best titles released by traditional publishing houses, small presses and even self-published authors worldwide of all genres and gives them the due they deserve. Cyrus Webb, the founder of the Conversations brand, has been an avid reader all of his life and has worked hard to make sure that there is something on the list for everyone.

This year there were so many great books that Webb had a chance to enjoy that he decided to add two new features in 2010: a Children's/Young Adult category and a Honorable Mention category for both fiction and non-fiction. Webb also has included the publishing houses for each title to make it easier for you to identify.

Here are this year's honorees:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

(Sat. Oct. 23) Conversations Uses Books To "Make A Difference"

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, Conversations Book Club Founder and President Cyrus Webb traveled to Appetizers Restaurant in Pearl, MS to give the gift of books for National Make A Difference Day. The day has been set aside to do something nice for someone, and for Webb books seemed like the perfect thing.

"Mississippi still ranks among the states with the highest rates of illiteracy," says Webb, 35. "Conversations Book Club has teamed up with authors from across the country to make sure that we begin changing that one book at a time."

Anyone who came by Appetizers Restaurant from 10-2p.m. were treated to as many books as they wanted. Barbara Worton, Linday Jenkins and Robert Brown of Great Little Books, LLC donated books for the event as well as Rapper/Author Jacki-O. Webb donated children's books for the event.

Webb reached out to Rhonda Teague, the owner of a 24-hour child care facility in Jackson, MS, inviting her to get books for her children as well as their parents.
Joseph Henderson, author of I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE, also joined the event.

"It's a little thing," says Webb, "but it is the little things that really make a difference."

For more information about Great Little Books, visit Additional information about Joseph and his book can be found at To see what's next for Conversations Book Club, visit

Monday, October 18, 2010

BOOK REVIEW: "I Know What I Am and I Am Not What You Call Me" by Jonathan Spikes

by Cyrus Webb for Conversations Book Club/Conversations Magazine

At a time when men are accused of not letting their feelings be known or discussing what might be bothering them, author Jonathan Spikes gives the world Damon McBlessed. Damon is a young man who is growing into his own skin and having to learn who he is in a time that is full of confusion, anger and abuse. Like so many around us, he seems to represent so much of what is wrong with the world when it comes to those getting to know themselves and having to deal with the feelings of being betrayed by those around us.

The author addresses alot of issues in this book that really touches you in a variety of ways. First, the character Damon must decide if the feelings he has towards those of the same sex are wrong in the eyesight of God. Then there is the feeling of being in a lose-lose when it comes to his faith and what seems to be normal for him. Add to that the complex relationship Damon has with his mother, something that has made his life really unbearable for some time.

I think the wise thing for all of us to do is read I KNOW WHAT I AM AND I AM NOT WHAT YOU CALL ME is that there needs to be a real dialogue about sexuality, abuse of men and women as well as the importance of loving oneself. Love was something that Damon struggled with, and that spilled over into how he was living from day to day. No one should have to go through life feeling who they are is a mistake, however, I do believe that understanding what happens to us doesn't make us who we are is something that will help us deal with whatever situations we find ourselves in.

Personal, powerful and well-written, this is one that will be remembered and recommended for quite some time.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Conversations Magazine's Print Edition Returns In November 2010

Shadow Play Entertainment is pleased to announce the return of Conversations Magazine's print edition.

Founded by Mississippi native Cyrus Webb,35, as the third component of the Conversations Brand (following Conversations the radio and tv shows), Conversations Magazine originally debuted in print in April 2006. Months later Webb and founding member Stanley Clark would begin Conversations the book club. Based solely on subscriptions at the time and sold online, the magazine gained a modest 100 monthly subscribers to the publication that focused almost entirely on books and those who were living their dreams as published authors.

Like other publications, when costs outweighted the actual profit of the publication, Webb made the decision in 2008 to take Conversations completely online. Ironically, it was that year that the Conversations Brand began to change, including health and fitness items, food and then in 2009 adding fashion. Today, thanks to the eclectic nature of the brand, Conversations the radio show averages over 100,000 online listeners each month, garnering partnerships with national as well as up-and-coming businesses.

"The timing is just right," says Webb, who has been building the Conversations brand since the first component Conversations the radio show began on WMPR 90.1 FM in Jackson in July 2003. "Conversations has grown alot since the print edition of Conversations last saw the light of day. I think more importantly I have grown in my understanding that you have to feed more than a person's love of books. You have to feed their love of life. That is what my team it doing."

The reemergence of the print edition of Conversations Magazine will take place in mid-November with the December 2010/January 2011 issue. The 40 page edition will feature Conversations' Top 100 Books of 2010, profiles of authors Nancy T.Rosenberg, Mikki Zimmerman, Michael Dillon Scott and entrepreneurs like actor/author/recording artist Tray Chaney, actress/director/author Cherie Johnson and model/actor Nicoye Banks. Also included will be styling tips by fashion designer Gail Ambeau, cooking tips by Chef Bruce Tretter, and musical profiles of Laura Pascarella, The Artist Company and the rap groups Authentic and Dem Raleigh Boyz as well as Conversations' Artist of the Year 2010.

The magazine will be available at independent bookstores in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Pearl/Brandon and online at It will be marketed through paid ads on Facebook,social networking sites, posters, Conversations LIVE radio, and other sites operated by Shadow Play Ent. PDFs of the bi-monthly edition will also be available through

For additional information about Conversations Magazine including how to be featured and advertising in the publication, contact Cyrus Webb at or601.896.5616. Details can also be found at

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

(Tues. Oct. 5, 2010) News From Shadow Play Ent.

* BOOK OF THE MONTH: Conversations Book Club's selection for the month of October 2010 is LIVING IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR (From Substance Abuse to a Life of Substance) by author Kim Vazquez ( Details can be found at

* OCTOBER'S THEME: SHOULD LOVE EVER HURT?: October is recognized by many as Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For Shadow Play Entertainment, it will be used as an opportunity to have a dialogue about all forms of abuse. The theme of the month is "Should Love Ever Hurt?", and Cyrus Webb (host of Conversations LIVE and President of Conversations Book Club) will have special guests sharing their personal stories of triumph over tragedy. Many of the conversations will take place on the radio show, and details can be found at

* NEW PARTNERSHIPS: The success of Shadow Play Entertainment has come in part because of the partnerships it has forged over the years. Beginning in the summer of 2010 organizations like The Artist Company, Big Noise Records and Passionate Writer Publishing have joined Shadow Play Ent. in sharing incredible talent both in books and music. Find out about other partners at

* WEBB NAMED PUBLICIST FOR GENESIS PRESS: On Oct. 1, 2010, Shadow Play Entertainment's President Cyrus Webb became the Senior Publicist for Mississippi-based publisher Genesis Press. The company, which is the home of dozens of authors, enjoys worldwide distribution through New York-based Kensington Books. Webb hopes to spread the word about the services and authors that Genesis provides and encourage more book clubs to consider Genesis when deciding what books to read. For more about the company, visit Additional info about Webb can be found at

* CLIENT CAMPAIGNS: During the month of October, look for Shadow Play Ent. to be involved in media campaigns for clients Jonathan Spikes (author of I KNOW WHAT I AM AND I AM NOT WHAT YOU CALL ME), Min. Patricia A. Thomas (author of GOD REVEALS A MYSTERY), Dr. Diane Hassan (author of ANGELS AMONG US, EVEN IN IRAQ), U.D. Abdul Kareem (author of AFRICAN COWBOY), Maria Stewart (LOOKING FOR CLOSURE) and Joseph Henderson (author of I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE). Details can be found at

* MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY 2010: Shadow Play Ent. Founder Cyrus Webb and clients of the organization will be taking part in community events in their area on Sat. Oct. 23, 2010 as part of this year's MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY. Make plans now to join them or host your own event. To find out more, visit

* THIS YEAR'S V. C. ANDREWS TRIBUTE: Since 2007, Shadow Play Entertainment has hosted events celebrating the life and work of international bestselling author V. C. Andrews on the anniversary of her death. On Sunday, December 19, 2010, Cyrus Webb will host a special one-hour tribute on Conversations LIVE Radio beginning at 7p.m. est (6p.m. cst/, giving fans of the author the opportunity to call in and share their thoughts. Andrews diedat the age of 62 nearly 24 years ago, but her amazing legacy continues. For details visit either or

* AUTHOR VISITS, OCT. 2010: Shadow Play Entertainment will host events for authors Joseph Henderson (author of I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE), Min. Tommie Watkins (LIVING OUT LOUD) and M. Salahuddin Khan (SIKANDER) in Mississippi during the month of Oct.2010. Details can be found at

To stay abreast of other activities associated with Shadow Play Entertainment, bookmark and visit it often. For more information about any of the above, contact Cyrus Webb at or 601.896.5616.