Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, October 24, 2010

(Sat. Oct. 23) Conversations Uses Books To "Make A Difference"

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, Conversations Book Club Founder and President Cyrus Webb traveled to Appetizers Restaurant in Pearl, MS to give the gift of books for National Make A Difference Day. The day has been set aside to do something nice for someone, and for Webb books seemed like the perfect thing.

"Mississippi still ranks among the states with the highest rates of illiteracy," says Webb, 35. "Conversations Book Club has teamed up with authors from across the country to make sure that we begin changing that one book at a time."

Anyone who came by Appetizers Restaurant from 10-2p.m. were treated to as many books as they wanted. Barbara Worton, Linday Jenkins and Robert Brown of Great Little Books, LLC donated books for the event as well as Rapper/Author Jacki-O. Webb donated children's books for the event.

Webb reached out to Rhonda Teague, the owner of a 24-hour child care facility in Jackson, MS, inviting her to get books for her children as well as their parents.
Joseph Henderson, author of I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE, also joined the event.

"It's a little thing," says Webb, "but it is the little things that really make a difference."

For more information about Great Little Books, visit Additional information about Joseph and his book can be found at To see what's next for Conversations Book Club, visit

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