Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Author Jackie Carpenter's Visit To MS: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

(Saturday, January 8, 2011) Day two with author Jackie Carpenter completed what was an amazing visit of inspiration, hope and the assurance of the light at the end of the tunnel of whatever we are going through.

NOTE: If you missed the report from Day 1 of Jackie's visit to Mississippi, read it here:

Cyrus Webb of Conversations Book Club began the day at the Crossgates area Subway Restaurant discussing the message of Carpenter's book THE BRIDGE and the importance of faith when it comes to challenges in life.

Joining the conversation was long-time friend of the book club Jennifer Vess.

From there it was on the Pearl Public Library where for two straight hours, Jackie was able to meet patrons and library employees, sharing her book and what she hopes they take away from it.

OVER 30 COPIES of THE BRIDGE made its way into the hands of individuals who seemed excited to not only meet the author but take home something that could help them as they deal with their own problems in life.

Conversations Book Club wishes to personally thank Ramesh Gajjar and the staff at Subway Crossgates in Brandon, the staff of the Pearl Public Library, book club supporter Annette Brown and all those who made day two of this literary event a success.

To find out more about Jackie and her book, visit To stay abreast of other events hosted by Conversations Book Club, visit

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