Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, November 28, 2011

REVIEW: "In Her Sights" by Robin Perini

Jazz Parker is a woman who is good at her job as a female sniper as well as creating a new life for herself. Thanks to the support of an unlikely source she has been able to make over her world and do good in an attempt to bring some good from a troubled past.

Once she catches the attention of Luke Montgomery, a journalist who stumbles upon her true identity, there are demons from the past that resurfaces and threaten to destroy not just Jazz's life but those she loves as well.

IN HER SIGHTS by Robin Perini is a multi-layed adventure that tackles not just the quest of one individual to renew her life and her purpose but understand and appreciate her worth as well. In the process we learn that Jazz is not the only one dealing with issues from the past, and when both individuals come face to face it is a real battle of wills and a moment of truth when it comes to will they allow the troubles of their past to shape the lives they can have today.

This is one of those book that men and women will be able to find something they can enjoy and discuss together. That is what makes IN HER SIGHTS a read that well worth the time and the journey the writer takes you on.

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