Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, June 1, 2012

NYT Bestselling author Wahida Clark's Visit to MS: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

It was one of the most anticipated literary events for readers of urban fiction in Mississippi: the return of New York Times Bestselling author Wahida Clark to the Magnolia State. The morning of May 15th she began what was to be a full day of activities, promoting her newest bestseller PAYBACK AIN'T ENOUGH.

Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb had the honor of not only hosting the day's events but traveling across Brandon, Ridgeland and Jackson with the Queen of Thug Love Fiction as she met with fans, signed books and shared some of the highlights of her literary journey.

The day began at Subway Restaurant in Brandon, MS where Clark was able to sit down with readers and talk about the road that has lead her to where she is today, what she is looking forward to and even giving advice for what it takes to make it in the business. Among those in attendance was Mississippi author Darlene Collier.

From there it was on to Books & Beignets in Ridgeland, MS where Ms. Clark signed the store's stock of her books, getting them ready for readers who might have missed her during the day.

After a short break the next stop was Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS where Wahida was able to meet the staff and the fans that came out to get their books signed, take pictures and chat with their favorite author. It was at this stop that Stanley Clark, co-founder of Conversations Book Club, and author Mr. Mean Mug were able to spend some time with her as well. Mean Mug had drove in that day from Dallas just to meet and support her during the day's events. "It's a blessing just to be here," he told Webb. "Wahida Clark is a legend."

The final stop of the day was at Books-A-Million in Jackson, MS. It was there that book club members and just avid readers were able to purchase signed copies of Wahida's books but get their own copies personalized while they discussed the new book and the series.

For more information about Wahida Clark's growing brand and the authors she is publishing as well visit You can also find her on Twitter at and on

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