Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, August 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Diane Kane's I NEVER CALLED HIM PA speaks to the times and the challenges life brings us all


I went into I NEVER CALLED HIM PA not really knowing what to expect, but what author Diane Kane delivers is a book with history, heart and life lessons we can all appreciate. 

Told through the voice of young Henry, we are able to see him navigate the challenges of family, the times where people are not appreciated for who they are and the complications that life delivers to us all. Having such a young protagonist and storyteller, we are able to see not just the simplicity of life but the importance of the little things that we adults sometimes overlook.

What Henry wants is a not just a home. He wants to feel at home, and that is something we see him appreciate along the way. We are also introduced to individuals who are also trying to figure life out, including his own mother----and the complexities that can come from that, too.

In the end for me I NEVER CALLED HIM PA is a book about navigating the world we live in, trying to make the most of what we have and who we have, while also striving for the best ahead. These are themes we might all grapple with, but the importance of them can't be denied. 

If you're looking for a story that speaks to the importance of knowing who you are and what you deserve in life, this one is a great addition to your reading list.  

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 gives an easy-to-follow blueprint to pursue your goals and dreams

 For those that are feeling the pull to pursue their goals and dreams but may feel unsure of the proper course, Queashar (Shar) L. Halliburton gives the blueprint with SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0. 

The book is written as a guide for female entrepreneurs, however, the principles and strategies that Shar gives can be applied to all of us. It all begins with realizing what you want to do, who you service and more importantly doing the work to treat your business like a business. 

This can be scary as well, so Shar gives you the things you need to think about so that you can get started on the right foot. There are resources included, her own personal experiences infused throughout and room for you to make your plans and get started with your strategy. 

One of the big things I like about the book is that Shar is pushing you in the direction of your calling, but she is being practical in the process. Make sure you're set up to succeed. Decide for yourself what success even looks like. Don't leave yourself behind along the way. All of these are important for individuals who want to 'make it' and not go down in flames due to burnout. 

Looking for a blueprint to get started towards your goals and dreams? SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 has you covered. 

Get your copy on Amazon. 

[BOOK REVIEW] Braylen the Bear and Friends: Caught is a great way to talk about peer pressure and decisions we make


For those that have been following the BRAYLEN THE BEAR AND FREINDS series you know that they are books that entertain and teach important lessons. CAUGHT is no different. 

I have to say that I love that the authors allows us to see how Braylen, a typically good 'kid', could get caught up in the desire to be liked and accepted---leading him to make some unwise choices. That is something families can consider. A mistake doesn't mean the child is bad or that adults are bad. It's the decision to choose a better way that is the deciding factor for us all.

When the consequences of his actions are front and center Braylen is able to better understand the importance of the choices he makes. That is what I think the reader will get from it as well.

Great way to teach kids about their actions and the consequences that follow. It's also a great reminder for us adults how we can be influenced by others and what can be the result. CAUGHT is something everyone can learn from. That makes it a great book for family, school and groups. 

Get your copy on Amazon

Friday, August 4, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] With Braylen Finds a Way we are able to see how to talk with kids about bullying

 The BRAYLEN THE BEAR AND FRIENDS series by LaTonya Peterson and Manswell Peterson does a great job in touching on topics that kids can relate to but also speak to adults. 

BRAYLEN FINDS A WAY is another example of that, this time dealing with the topic of bullying. I like the way that the book shows Braylen and his friends coming together to deal with the bullying problem, not wanting to leave any of their friends unprotected. I also appreciated Breylen letting his parents know what is happening and getting ideas from them how to handle the situation.

Though the book is for kids, there are so many things that adults can take away from it, too. Unfortunately bullying and harassment have no age limits. That means we all have to find ways to deal with these issues and help others do the same. 

Well presented in a way that is entertaining and informative, BRAYLEN FIND A WAY addresses bullying in a way that can be understood and helpful. 

Get your copy on Amazon