Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, August 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 gives an easy-to-follow blueprint to pursue your goals and dreams

 For those that are feeling the pull to pursue their goals and dreams but may feel unsure of the proper course, Queashar (Shar) L. Halliburton gives the blueprint with SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0. 

The book is written as a guide for female entrepreneurs, however, the principles and strategies that Shar gives can be applied to all of us. It all begins with realizing what you want to do, who you service and more importantly doing the work to treat your business like a business. 

This can be scary as well, so Shar gives you the things you need to think about so that you can get started on the right foot. There are resources included, her own personal experiences infused throughout and room for you to make your plans and get started with your strategy. 

One of the big things I like about the book is that Shar is pushing you in the direction of your calling, but she is being practical in the process. Make sure you're set up to succeed. Decide for yourself what success even looks like. Don't leave yourself behind along the way. All of these are important for individuals who want to 'make it' and not go down in flames due to burnout. 

Looking for a blueprint to get started towards your goals and dreams? SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 has you covered. 

Get your copy on Amazon. 

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