Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, November 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Inspiring from beginning to end, Michelle Brown shows the power of faith and not giving up

 I've never met Michelle Brown, but after reading her book My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... I feel a connection to her through her story and life lessons. 

She shares how through her personal and professional challenges how she has been able to persevere---letting us know what is possible for us as well. Looking at her today you would never guess she has been through so many heartbreaking situations, but I think that is again part of the book. So many of us have been through things that could have broken us, but we are still here---still able to stand and face down another day. 

For Michelle the key to not giving up was tied to her faith. She didn't always understand what she was dealing with when it came to family or things with her own body, but she didn't let that stop her. 

For those who have ever endured a trial that threatened to break them, this book is sure to give you hope. Inspiring from beginning to end, Michelle Brown's My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... shows the power of faith and not giving up. 

Get your copy of My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] She Said Yes To Herself Unapologetically is all about recognizing you are worthy

 It's sad we live in a world where we still have to tell women---all women---that they are worthy of taking care of themselves, loving themselves and respecting themselves. 

For those that need a reminder of their value and what they can achieve, the new anthology She Said Yes To Herself Unapologetically EmpowerHER Guide gives you that and so much more. It is all about sharing the stories of individuals who have come out of their challenges and difficult circumstances and are better on the other side. 

For men and women you are sure to see yourself or someone you know---and you'll be encouraged to realize what is possible for you and can be done in your life if you're willing to do the work. 

LADIES: ready to start living your best life possible? It all begins with realizing you are worthy of saying yes to yourself UNAPOLOGETICALLY. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] For those looking to move forward in their lives, FROM BARS AND SCARS gives you the motivation


Anyone who has followed the career of Pauline Rogers knows that she is an individual who walks the walk that she speaks about. In her eagerly awaited first book FROM BARS AND SCARS she gives us inspiration to use for every day, encouraging us to not give up on ourselves and others. 

FROM BARS AND SCARS is intended for those who have been caged by their circumstances, but it speaks to all of us who have been beaten down by life and feel restrained in how far we can go.

By reading the words and thinking about what they can mean for you personally, it helps to shape not only your expectations for yourself but those around you as well. 

FROM BARS AND SCARS is a needed resource for the times we find ourselves in. Just what you need to give you that motivation to keep going.

Get your copy of FROM BARS AND SCARS on Amazon