Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne: Mission Accomplished!

Conversations Book Club and For The People Productions can't begin to show our sincere appreciation for those who came out to support the events surrounding the visit of Bestselling author Alisha Yvonne.
She had a blast--- and there was so many priceless moments associated with the two days of activity that we couldn't wait until the photo album of the trip was posted to let you know who we felt.

Over two days we participated in almost a dozen events--- and each one only added to the success of the weekend. Thanks to all those who purchased books and participated in the discussions and meet and greets! Special consideration goes out to Medgar Evers Library, the Pearl/Brandon Wal-Mart, Cici's Pizza (Brandon), Richard Wright Library, Pearl High School, Real Roots Bar and Grill and Waldenbooks Metrocenter.

(National bestselling author Alisha Yvonne seen here with Stanley Clark and C. A. Webb )

To Stanley Clark, President of For The People Productions... all we can say is thank you for buying into the vision of the Conversations Book Club and for opening up your doors and heart to us. We can't begin to repay for the opportunity to work with you, however, we hope to honor you and your organization through everything that we do!

(Yvonne, Clark and Webb seen above with Ms. Elaine Bridges' class at Pearl High School.)

(Yvonne and Clark seen here with the management of the Pearl/Brandon Wal-Mart)

This one was definitely one for the record books! Ms. Yvonne's first official trip to Mississippi was with US and she kicked off the sale of her new blockbuster NAUGHTY GIRLS with Conversations Book Club, making us the first stop on her 2007 tour.

Again, we can't begin to tell you everything that happened over the past 48 hours, but as you will see a picture is worth a thousand words. Visit us often and get ready for the next series of activities that are soon to come!


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