Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, June 28, 2007

JUST IN: Author Teresa Rae Butler "Returns" to Jackson, Mississippi

Okay, maybe that headline is a little misleading, but author Teresa Rae Butler is HERE--- in written form, at least.

We are pleased to tell you that our literary partners at Waldenbooks Metrocenter have been able to get author Teresa Rae Butler's debut novel DON'T EVEN TRIP! That's right: if you missed her visit her a couple of weeks ago, you can now walk right in the store and purchase the book.

Waldenbooks is working on getting the successful followup GOD, I RESPECT YA GANGSTA, but in the meantime show your support for this store and the author by getting the book TODAY!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Conversations Book Club Prepares for yet more groundbreaking ventures!

In just a few weeks, Conversations Book Club will be preparing for some of its most rewarding activities--- and you are invited to take part in each and every event? What is going on now with the book club critics are calling "The group to watch"? Click here to get all the details on how the next 90 days will transform everything you know about the interactive book club.

Monday, June 25, 2007

CBC adds National Bestselling authors John Saul and Jerry Jenkins to its lineup

This news is JUST IN: We have added bestselling authors John Saul (COMES THE BLIND FURY and SUFFER THE CHILDREN) as well as Jerry Jenkins (writer of the LEFT BEHIND series) to our ever-growing lineup.

Click here for more information!

Join Conversations Book Club this week, 06/25-29/07

Thank you to everyone who supported award-winning author Mary Anna Evans last week! Look for Conversations Book Club to be working with her again later this year (sometime in November).

Now for this week's discussions:

UPDATE: Due to a scheduling conflict on the part of the book club, we had to reschedule the telephone discussion with bestselling author Lee Hayes. Keep visiting the site for when the discussion will be held.

On Friday, June 29th we have a special treat from Florida: columnist Kendall Walker will be joining us for the hour. You might know Kendall from her monthly column in the Conversations Magazine. Make sure to join us as she dishes about the current political situation, the down-low lifestyle and its affect on the Black Community, video vixons, family and everything in between. Be there as she takes your questions and gives answers as only she can.

Another great week of discussions: and only with Conversations Book Club! We hope to see you there!

Friday, June 22, 2007

CBC Blogs on the recent visit of Mississippi author Joe Lee to the Pearl Public Library --- Friday, June 22, 2007

Hello all!
In Conversations Book Club's continued mission to support all literary events in the state of Mississippi, I was fortunate enough to attend a lunch-time discussion with Mississippi author Joe Lee at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS today.

This was a great experience for me, and a perfect way to begin this busy literary weekend! To read my blog entry on the visit, you can click on this link to the BEST OF MISSISSIPPI blog that I operate.

Don't forget that we have award-winning author Mary Anna Evans in town this weekend, so make plans to visit with her today either at the Barnes & Nobles booksigning or the book club discussion this evening.

On Saturday, June 23rd, we will be supporting the booksigning of Mississippi author Craig Alexander at Lemuria.

Hope to see you soon.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This week with Conversations Book Club --- June 18-23, 2007

Thank you to everyone who supported the visit of author Teresa Rae Butler over the weekend. We had a great time, and look for her to be featured more through Conversations Book Club in the very near future.

This week we have THREE OPPORTUNITIES for you to get your literary fix:

Bestselling author GLORIA MALLETTE

First, join us on Tuesday, June 19th we will be talking with our good friend National Bestselling author Gloria Mallette live via conference call. Her newest book, LIVING, BREATHING LIES was released on Friday, June 15th and this is yet another EXCLUSIVE for us about her new project. This will be at the Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS at 6p.m. CST.

Award-winning author MARY ANNA EVANS

On Friday, June 22, 2007 Conversations Book Club will host author Mary Anna Evans live and in person! Our first event will be a booksigning at Barnes and Nobles (Jackson, MS) at 4p.m., followed by a book club discussion at 6p.m. CST at the Medgar Evers Library. Admission is free, and refreshments will be available in the foyer of the library.

Bestselling author VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY discussion

On Saturday, June 23rd we will be joining The Savvy Book Club for its monthly meeting at the Willie Morris Library (Jackson, MS) at 2p.m. They will be discussing Victoria Christopher Murray's book A SIN AND A SHAME.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

CBC to author Teresa Rae Butler: "Lady, We Respect Ya Mission"!

Beginning Friday, June 15th, Conversations Book Club and the state of Mississippi have been fortunate to spend time with author Teresa Rae Butler--- and what a weekend it has been!

The 35 year old author of "DON'T EVEN TRIP" and "GOD,I RESPECT YA GANGSTA" did not meet a stranger at any of the stops that were a part of her journey.

On Friday, the day began with lunch at the Subway in Pearl (3000 Hwy 80 E), where we were able to enjoy the company of the owners Dorothy and Chris Lawson. Afterwards we visited Waldenbooks Metrocenter where Pam and Andrea greeted us with open arms and excitement.

From there we travelled to Genesis and Light Center where Ms. Butler was able to share her story with the 30 or so youth that attend their summer program. After answering their questions and signing autographs we were off to the Richard Wright Library in South Jackson, talking with the teens that make up the Teen Time program.

The last stop of the day was at the Medgar Evers Library for our book club discussion. Ms. Butler had everyone's attention as she told of the trails of her life and how they molded her into the person she has not begun. "I truly believe that everything happens for a reason," she told the group. "Things we go through are necessary to make us who we are."

The two books that Butler was promoting on her visit to Mississippi are part one and two of a trilogy. Though she admits you don't have to read the books in order to get the story, she does feel as though one book will definitely spark your attention and make you want to know more.

Marketed as fiction, the author did reveal that a large part of the story she is telling is actually based on her own experiences. Just in her sharing with the group we learned about her journey through racism, abuse, neglect and just a true search for self. But there is more to the story.

"When my personal bagagage seemed to be too much, God let me know I had to let it all go in order to move forward," she told Conversations. That was where her writing and eventually the books we are now able to hold in our hands come from. "You have to decide in your life what really matters," is something she repeated throughout the day.

On Saturday, June 16th, we were at Medgar Evers Library again for BREAKFAST WITH BOOKS. The majority of those in attendance for this discussion were members of the Savvy Book Club, lead by Ms. Rose Wright of Jackson. From there it was on to Subway in Pearl for lunch and the finish of what was a powerful weekend.

On behalf of Conversations Book Club and the state of Mississippi we just want to say: Ms. Butler, we can't 'even trip'! Believe us, 'we respect ya mission' and you have made friends and fans for life.

For more information about Ms. Butler and when she will be in your area, click here.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

BREAKING: Bestselling authors Treasure Blue and Richard Jeanty join Conversations Book Club lineup!

These are two authors you want to mark your calendars for so you won't miss the "Conversations". For all the details, click here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

JUST IN: CBC's Exclusive Interview with author Monica P. Carter

Conversations Book Club is pleased to give you access to the EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with author Monica P. Carter. Her book, SACRIFICE THE ONE, was the subject of the Cafe Au' Lait Book Club in June 2007. To read what Carter said to us just days ago, click here.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Join us in welcoming author Teresa Rae Butler--- Friday, June 15th

Want to find out additional information on Teresa Butler's novels DON'T EVEN TRIP and GOD, I RESPECT YA GANGSTA? Then click here.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

CBC Discusses Monica Carter's SACRIFICE THE ONE with Cafe Au' Lait Book Club--- Tuesday, June 12, 2007

As part of Conversations Book Club's continuing mission to support all book lovers throughout the state of Mississippi, we will be visiting the Cafe Au'Lait Book Club in Brandon, MS at the Brandon Public Library on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 6p.m. Nora Anderson, President of the group, has chosen Monica P. Carter's book SACRIFICE THE ONE as their selection of the month.

I first met Ms. Carter in March 2004 during a book signing at Waldenbooks in Jackson, MS and bought the book at that time. Now repackaged and re-released through Carl Weber's Urban Christian line, it is once again bringing new fans under her spell.

UPDATE: Conversations Book Club obtained an exclusive interview with Ms. Carter on Monday, June 11, 2007. To read the interview in its entirety, click here.

Learn more about the book and other events that Ms. Carter is involved in by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

JUST IN: Conversations Book Club snags EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Bestselling author Father Andrew M. Greeley

This is really bigger than can even be imagined: Conversations Book Club has been in direct contact with Father Andrew M. Greeley (author of PRIESTLY SINS, CARDINAL SINS, CARDINAL VIRTUES and WAGES OF SIN), and he has agreed to a LIVE ONE HOUR INTERVIEW with the book club later this year.


A CONVERSATIONS EXCLUSIVE: Bestselling author James Earl Hardy speaks TONIGHT


The bestselling author that brought the world the popular "B-Boy" Series of books will be joining the Conversations Book Club live via conference call for the hour on TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2007 AT 6P.M.--- and you won't want to miss what he has to say about the series and the way that art sometimes mirrors life in a big way.

Come ask the questions you want to know the answers to.

We hope to see you there!