Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Thursday, June 28, 2007

JUST IN: Author Teresa Rae Butler "Returns" to Jackson, Mississippi

Okay, maybe that headline is a little misleading, but author Teresa Rae Butler is HERE--- in written form, at least.

We are pleased to tell you that our literary partners at Waldenbooks Metrocenter have been able to get author Teresa Rae Butler's debut novel DON'T EVEN TRIP! That's right: if you missed her visit her a couple of weeks ago, you can now walk right in the store and purchase the book.

Waldenbooks is working on getting the successful followup GOD, I RESPECT YA GANGSTA, but in the meantime show your support for this store and the author by getting the book TODAY!

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