Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This week with Conversations Book Club --- June 18-23, 2007

Thank you to everyone who supported the visit of author Teresa Rae Butler over the weekend. We had a great time, and look for her to be featured more through Conversations Book Club in the very near future.

This week we have THREE OPPORTUNITIES for you to get your literary fix:

Bestselling author GLORIA MALLETTE

First, join us on Tuesday, June 19th we will be talking with our good friend National Bestselling author Gloria Mallette live via conference call. Her newest book, LIVING, BREATHING LIES was released on Friday, June 15th and this is yet another EXCLUSIVE for us about her new project. This will be at the Medgar Evers Library in Jackson, MS at 6p.m. CST.

Award-winning author MARY ANNA EVANS

On Friday, June 22, 2007 Conversations Book Club will host author Mary Anna Evans live and in person! Our first event will be a booksigning at Barnes and Nobles (Jackson, MS) at 4p.m., followed by a book club discussion at 6p.m. CST at the Medgar Evers Library. Admission is free, and refreshments will be available in the foyer of the library.

Bestselling author VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY discussion

On Saturday, June 23rd we will be joining The Savvy Book Club for its monthly meeting at the Willie Morris Library (Jackson, MS) at 2p.m. They will be discussing Victoria Christopher Murray's book A SIN AND A SHAME.

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