Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Conversations and Bestselling author Tony Lindsay: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

As always, thank you to everyone who made the visit of Conversations Book Club's 17th author of 2008 a success. Our visit with bestselling author Tony Lindsay and his lovely wife Heather was definitely one for the history books. It was not only his first visit to Mississippi, but his first booksigning in a Wal-Mart as well as his first trip to Louisiana in five years!

We started off the weekend on Friday, May 16, 2008 with our literary partner, the Wal-Mart on HWY 18 in Jackson, MS ( With the support of the store, the books were flying off the table, and I think it is safe to say that Tony picked up some new fans.

From there we continued our success at the Richard Wright Library during our meet and greet there. As always Ms. Debra Gilbert and the staff showed their support---and even after having a bad day another of our literary partners, Ms. Rose Wright of Savvy Book Club, stopped by to meet the author.

After leaving the Richard Wright Library, it was only appropriate that we take the picture below of the man for whom the it was named. This is from the walls of the Smith Robertson Museum downtown Jackson. Incidentally, Wright is one of Lindsay's favorite authors and the two share a birthday!

On Saturday, May 17, 2008 Lindsay and his wife joined book club members Cyrus A. Webb and Voncele Savage along with the hosts of the talk show NAKED CONVERSATIONS and Hiphop and Books headliner G-Money to begin the journey to New Orleans. There they took part in a planning meeting that focused on the Hiphop and Books tour, another initiative of Conversations Book Club. Valuable information was discussed and ideas to make the project even more of a success were shared.

From there it was on to our literary partner, Borders in Metairie, where we had our monthly book club discussion with Lindsay. Joining us for the discussion was platinum-selling recording artist/Bestselling author Corey "C-Murder" Miller and members of his TRU family.

Another great weekend, and it was all made possible because of YOU.
Thank you for your support. For more information about bestselling author Tony Lindsay, visit As always: ENJOY YOUR DAY, ENJOY YOUR LIFE, ENJOY YOUR WORLD. C'mon: what are you waiting for? JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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