Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our 18th author of 2008, Dynah Zale: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Thank you to everyone who came out and helped the hosting of our 18th author of 2008, Bestselling author Dynah Zale (DRAMA IN THE CHURCH and HEAVEN SENT) a major success. She was literally a sell-out at every stop, and that all was made possible because of you!

The day (Friday, May 30, 2008) started off with a visit by Books-A-Million in Jackson, MS where she was greeted by management and signed stock.

From there is was on to the Willie Morris Library in Jackson, MS. There she met with members of the Savvy Book Club, signed copies of their books and met the staff.

The Northside Library in Jackson, MS was the next stop of the day. Conversations Book Club donated a copy of the book HEAVEN SENT to the library, and we were met by Savvy Book Club President Rose Wright before leaving.

The Wal-Mart on HWY 18 in Jackson, MS was the next stop of the day. This was an exciting couple of hours where we were able to literally sell every book available. Thanks to store manager Eddie Robinson and his staff for making this event a great experience.

The final public event of the day was a meet and greet at Richard Wright Library in Jackson, MS. Ms. Debra Gilbert took care of us as usual, and it was great to meet the patrons and even give advice to aspiring authors as well. To show our appreciation, Conversations Book Club donated a copy of Dynah's book HEAVEN SENT to the library.

Dynah was able to end the day with dinner with Savvy Book Club, and they had a chance to enjoy some "one on one" time with the author.

We appreciate all of the support. Conversations was not able to travel to ATL for the "Book Lovers' Day", however, we look forward to joining the readers there soon.

For more information about upcoming author visits, make sure to visit C'MON. JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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