Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, August 11, 2008

20,000 hits and counting: Conversations Book Club says Thank You!

Hello, I am Cyrus A. Webb, President and Founder of Conversations Book
Club, and I want to take this opportunity to say Thank You to everyone
for your support.

When Conversations Book Club was formed in November 2006, it was with the
idea of bringing readers and authors together to discuss what they all
love: books! This was a goal I looked forward to because I was a lover of
books myself. At the time I was already writing book reviews and
interviewing authors for various publications so I had a ready arsenal to
start with in making the book club a success.

Since then we have hosted events in several states, formed partnerships
with organizations that now welcome authors and gives new authors the
same opportunities as more seasoned ones. Alot of work has gone into what
Conversations has done, and in the past I have been reluctant to reveal
all of the details about how Conversations has been able to accomplish
what it has. I think it is time, though, that you are given a look

The driving force behind Conversations has been me, the founder. We have
members "in spirit" because none of those who attend our events pay dues.
I am the one that arranges the schedules of authors. I am the one who
secures transportation for the authors. I am the one in most situations
that secures housing for the authors when they come to town---and I do
all of this for FREE. That's right, the authors pay nothing for this
service, nor or they asked to. There is no grant or salary given to me
for any of the things that I do with the book club. So why do I give up
so much of my time and money for something that I don't directly benefit
from? Again, I am a book lover and by connection a lover of authors who
give us great books. Since November 2006, I have given my all in order
for readers to have an opportunity to meet and greet with authors from
all over the country---and I don't regret any of it.

There are some things, however, that I do regret when it comes to dealing
with people---something that we all encounter from time to time, and that
is lack of appreciation. I have seen it come from other book clubs, even
though all of our events are open to the public, and I have seen it from
authors as well. Now, there was time when things that people say about
work I do or me personally would have shut me down; but I am here to tell
you that those days are long gone. The results of what Conversations has
done in less than 2 years can't be denied. We have hosted more authors
than any other book club (59 to date), had more conference call
discussions than any other book club, made it possible for authors that
were only known in certain circles to sit next to bestselling authors in
Wal-Mart, and we have made it clear that our organization is designed for
all: black, white, young and old. We are truly made for the people.

Days ago our main website crossed the
20,000 hits mark and over the weekend that number continued to grow.
I have another 26 authors that I will be working with in person this
year, over double that number who will be guests on my online radio show
and 11 authors already booked for 2009.

The point? Regardless of what you hear, no matter what others say,
Conversations has made its mark and will continued to do so. The proof is
in the pudding. As for those who flaunder around us, just remember that
as in most groups the good always rises to the top. Those who were in it
for themselves will be weeded out. The readers and authors in the
literary game may change, but the game remains the same and goes on.

Again, thank you again for your continued support. This journey has been
one of experiences I will never forget---and it is only just beginning.

Enjoy your day. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your world. Enjoy BOOKS!
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