Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, August 24, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Conversations talks with author Martha Tucker

She is one of many authors who have made the decision not to let the literary industry dictate the kind of writer she would be. With a life that embodies the arts, author Martha "Marti" Tucker walks to the beat of her own drum, and the result is her novel THE MAYOR'S WIFE WORE SAPPHIRES. So what sets her apart from others that have written a book and wanted to find success? What motivates her to pursue this seriously and not just for the fame? Martha tells you that and more in this exclusive conversation.Martha, thank you for taking out the time to talk with Conversations. For those who might not be familiar with you or your work, please give them a brief description.
My work is revealing the myriad of positive African American images that hardly anyone sees. I'm a firm believer that what we see is what we "be-come."

So for future generations of all races, I work to reveal the more realistic image of African Americans, those Black people who are not the dealers, sex fiends, entertainers and sports figures you always see in the media. Yes, we are those things, but we're a whole lot more.

I mentioned in my introduction that your life embodies the arts. Tell our readers where that love came from.
I believe that God created every human being for a purpose, to carry out an assignment He needed to be done. Now, no one in my family was artistic, so how did it happen? Well, God must have needed someone to bring the beauty, brilliance and resilience of African American people to the forefront. And that someone was me. So He gave me a love for the arts, groomed me to become a writer. He took a little nobody like me and taught me to know the difference between reality and appearances. I have sense enough to know there are fabulous African Americans in every arena you can think of, but we no one shows them to us, so to most they don't exist. I wrote a female Barack Obama type before I knew he existed. I gave my character some of the same political issues he has, because it expanded the image of our people to be bigger than our image, give us hope, and a belief in "yes, I can."

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