Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Watch The Write Stuff Episode 5 Right Here!

On the eve of the third anniversary of Conversations Book Club, The Write Stuff celebrates the authors who have entertained readers and inspired the careers of others. Host Cyrus Webb brings you this powerful episode...

TWS EPISODE 5, PART 1: Cyrus Webb shares parts of his interviews with bestselling author Brenda L. Thomas and Dynah Zale. U. K. Filmmaker Tom Sands shares his commitment to work with The Write Stuff in promoting literacy.

TWS EPISODE 5, PART 2: Watch parts of Webb's interviews with bestselling authors Shelia Lipsey and Daphine Robinson. You will also watch this week's marketing tip by Earl Hall.

TWS EPISODE 5, PART 3: Webb shares parts of his interviews with bestselling authors Jonathan Richardson and Allison Hobbs. There are also commercials from Think It Ink It Publishing and Everybody Wins.

TWS EPISODE 5, PART 4: Webb shares parts of his interviews with bestselling authors Dedra Johnson, Tony Lindsay and C-Murder.

TWS EPISODE 5, PART 5: Author Jeff Rivera shares this week's 60 second writing tip and Cyrus Webb introduces Conversations Book Club's Top 50 Non-Fiction Books of 2009!

TWS EPISODE 5 PART 6: Host Cyrus Webb shares Conversations Book Club's Top 50 Fiction Books of 2009!

TWS EPISODE 5 PART 7: Cyrus Webb talks about the war against illiteracy and summarizes this week's show.

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