Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Watch The Write Stuff's Special Presentation "Faith and Literature"

SAT. NOV. 7, 2009: Because of recent tragedies that occurred during the past week, Shadow Play Entertainment and the producers of The Write Stuff decided it was appropriate to push up a special segment it had prepared to run during the holidays called "Faith and Literature." Creator and host Cyrus Webb was able to assemble four bestselling authors (Jerry Jenkins, Jewell Parker Rhodes, L. A. Banks and Evie Rhodes)who came together for the first time to discuss the role that their personal beliefs played in the work they produced and how they walked the fine line of treating their careers like a business while still being true to who they are.

It is a six-part conversation that you will want to watch and share with anyone who finds themselves struggling with those very issues. This show is dedicated to the memory of Izear Roberts, Jr.---the father of producer Stanley Clark---who passed away unexpectantly this week, those who passed away in the horrible incidents in both Texas and Florida as well as their families. It is our hope that all will find something to encourage themselves as we go through our own challenges in life as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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